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Everything posted by Wiracho

  1. i think i broke remote tech hehe....i unzip the "parts" folder, and the remoteTech_antennas.cfg...i did this to have only the parts and the integration to carrer mode...so i tried in sand box, the antenas extend, and everything was good....but now in carrer mode, and sand box the remotetech antennas are locked, i cant extend....i unzip all the folders and files, but its the same....i put the modulemanager1_5...pliz help, and sorry for my english
  2. i cant undock with the 3m dockingport, i saw the post of Acea, and its the same for me
  3. i had a problem with this mod, if someone can helpme plz.....i dont know why, but i have two of the same engine, and no sound....sorry for my english edit: i fixed!!hehe, i only need to read the instructions...and delete the extras folder(or not unzip)
  4. this looks good!!!im dowloading it right now, but i dont want the clouds in duna and eve, how can i change that? plz
  5. im thinking to do the same and create a tweeter account
  6. devs said that the 0.23 version was done, few bugs to repair, thats why they give us the release date...i hope it means to have the 0.23 update in the morning heehhe
  7. finally!!! a person who understand why this will be great for the game.....
  8. and when i say give him a free copy is to make sure that he play it...like an investment
  9. think a little plz.....yes, 6-years old will get the game, get bored because they will not get in to orbit hahaha, so that money will be good for squad......remeber that squad is a company who works with money, if they get more cash they can hire more devs, get better engine for the game,and we (who play ksp for months or years) will be favored with this......im not saying that getting pewdiepie to play will bring millions of $ to Squad, but this kind of advertising help... again sorry for my english!!
  10. i dont know how many people watch pewdiepie's videos, but in his last video he said that he wanna play Ksp, is a great oportunity to make the ksp community grow...he has 17 million subscribers, so i think the developers of this game can contact with him, maybe give him a free copy of the game, i dont know......i hope Squad read this!!! sorry for my bad english!
  11. i used mechjeb for a month, but then i started to docking and landing by myself so i stop using it, and the game became a challenge and more interesting (sorry for my english)
  12. hola Zaryulenko, si hice la mision 13 hace tieeempo, cuando vi la pelicula "apollo 13"(es muy buena, deberias verla), pero como no tocó la luna tonces no vi necesario sacar foto hehe, lo mismo con las misiones de la 1 a la 10 que fueron para aprender a acoplar y entrar en orbita, y demas..... la primera vez q fui a duna me tomo 2 horas creo, asi q se q es dificil al principio, pero lo unico q tienes q hacer es calcular un angulo de 45º entre duna y kerbin, como vertice el sol, asi gastaras mucho menos combustible y tiempo, luego para cerrar la orbita en el planeta , puedes hacer 2 cosas, 1ra, q es simplemente frenar, reducir la velocidad con tus motores, gastaras mas combustible, pero si quieres puedes hacer la 2da, que es frenar con la atmosfera, mas o menos a unos 10 000 metros de altura, cuidado con las nuevas montañas que llegan a 9 mil metros jejeje; seguro que despues de frenar con la atmosfera, tu "Ap" sera de 900 km, o mas, pero despues de unas cuantas pasadas, bajara a unos 70 km....Scott manley tiene buenos videos explicando todo esto, talvez podrias buscarlo en youtube...espero haberte ayudado, saludos pd: hay una pagina para calcular el angulo en el que debes acelerar para hacer un viaje interplanetario, tambien hay aplicaciones para Android, nose si habra para iphone
  13. gracias...busque imagenes en google del skylab y en la pagina de nasa creo, o de discovery me salieron detallados, asi q intenté hacerlo parecido jajaj lo mismo pense yo cuando vi su imagen, no encuentro ni motores, ni rcs, ni docking ports!!!
  14. Hice las misiones mas importantes de programa apollo (apollo 11,12,14,15,16,17, skylab 1, skylab 2) me tomo mucho tiempo haha, use mods de KW rocketry, y steam gauges o algo asi jejeje, perdon si esta un poco desordenado tambien hice una mision a duna, en conmemoracion al primer año de Curiosity en marte..alguna de las imagenes estan oscuras, use mods de KW rocketry, steam gauges, fixed camera, KAS, y DROMOMAN q es para q mueva la camara: Hice un video hace tiempo x si quieren ver, solo lo hice xq me gusto mucho el juego y la cancion, es de space oddity:
  15. Otro latinoamericano aqui, desde Bolivia hehe... yo ya voy unos 3 o 4 meses con el juego, dsd la version 0.18, nunca en mi vida dure tanto en un juego, skyrim lo jugue unas 250 horas, pero KSP fueron muuuuuucho mas hahaha...saludos
  16. i think all of us sucked in the begining...i saw scott manley using it, and i used it too...it was soo easy, and when mechjeb 2 apear, i just watch how my pc play the game, meanwhile i was eating a sandwich...i coundnt dock, but mechjeb made my dreams of a spacestations come true...1 day, i forgot to put mechjeb in my apollo style rocket, so after 3 months of using mechjeb, i was playing manually again, and in that mission i learn how to dock, and without RCS because i forgot that too hehehe....i learn how to dock watching mechjeb doing it...now, i dont use it..but mechjeb teach me a lot(docking, gravity turn, landing)........sorry for my english
  17. i would like mining, clouds, and optimization....i can wait for the career mode...
  18. i gotted for 1 day i was soo happy with the radar altimeter, we need a update for 0.21 please ;D
  19. for me, SteamGauges doesnt work...i was soo happy with the radar altimeter
  20. for me, its the best update ever hehe...the SAS is working fine, its a little weak but still better than the old SAS, now i can play with planes in IVA without getting sick....i found something, when i go to map view, the sound of the rockets stop, i dont know if that is a bug, or the devs make this, or i have something off in sound options....but well, its fine to me
  21. because, we are humans... thats why
  22. i made a video of Chris hadfield - space oddity using KSP 0.20, i like this song more than the original David Bowie's...i hope you like the video, you can watch it here sorry for my english!!
  23. i made a video of Chris hadfield - Space oddity using KSP 0.20.... i like this version more than the original David Bowie's....if you want you can see it here sorry for my english!!!im from southamerica!!!
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