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Everything posted by Coffeeman

  1. Aaand... I've fixed the SRB issue Entropy v0.4.1: Christmas Klutz Fixes SRB Fuel consumption rate issue Get it on KerbalStuff or update with CKAN Have fun
  2. That is... Really really weird. I'm busy right now, but you can try deleting all the files in GameData/Entropy/ModuleManager that have SRB in their name, and that should fix it. Hopefully I'll be able to put a real fix to this today. Sorry
  3. Sorry, didn't mean to come off as mean :/ . Again, sorry that I'm so late in doing this , but nonetheless... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Get it on Kerbalstuff or CKAN Changes: - Compatible with 0.90
  4. No, the latest version won't work. However, you can download this release. You'll get KSP-AVC warnings, but it shouldTM work.
  5. Not quite yet. I'm embroiled in some school stuff, but now that it's Friday, I'll update it tonight or tomorrow Sorry folks
  6. DangIt! Alpha - Fixes CompatibilityChecker reporting DangIt as incompatible Get it on Github, Kerbalstuff, or CKAN Have fun
  7. Funky. Can you point me at the particular mod you are using, because the only problem I can see is if it also uses a :FINAL clause in its modulemanager config. I'll look into it, but need the specific mod and version.
  8. It almost certainly does. I'll mark it as supported soon, until then, yeah, it's safe to use on 0.90
  9. That's an interesting idea. I think you should ask ippo about that. I agree that the stock XP system looks WAY better! However, I think the stock behavior for XP increase is kinda... Over-hard? Interesting question, and we should look into it
  10. Yep, about that. Failures should happen about 1/2x as often, and it should last 5x as long. Additionally, remember to shut off your RCSb when your not using it Of course, you can make those numbers whatever you want. In other news, it's 1am, in going to bed
  11. In your Gamedata folder there is a folder called DangIt, and in that is a folder called ModuleManager. Inside of that there is a file called RCS.cfg. In that file you will find a part that says // Annual Failure Rate: 100% MTBF = 8760 // Engines must decay *VERY* quickly compared to other parts LifeTime = 1 change it to // Annual Failure Rate: 100% MTBF = 16000 // Engines must decay *VERY* quickly compared to other parts LifeTime = 5 then save the file and restart KSP.
  12. I've fixed the version problem. You can get the fixed version from kerbalstuff or CKAN. I'm so sorry for all the hiccups guys, first time with a big mod like this
  13. Sorry folks, I'm a grade-a klutz! The latest version (0.5.2) is incorrectly reporting it is out of date. I will correct this ASAP. Until then, ignore that message.
  14. Alpha 0.5.2 - Endless Patches This should fix zzz's problem (or at least improve it greatly.) I've optimized the AlarmManager code so it should be a lot faster. That being said, remember that this mod is Alpha and there always will be bugs to iron out. That being said, I think 0.5.2 is bug-free. Get it on KerbalStuff or update on CKAN. Have fun P.S. I'm sorry for these performance issues... ... really, I'll be sure to do more complete testing in the future. P.P.S. This is out EXACTLY when I said it would be (one hour from previous post!) P.P.P.S. Now that there are no outstanding performance issues, I'm going to get back to work on real features P.P.P.P.S. Is anyone interested in being a beta tester?
  15. Hmmm... Yeah, I can see the problem. There is some code that I need to make more efficient. Expect 0.5.2 in about an hour, and that should fix it for good. P.S. I'm envious of even 16 fps
  16. OK! All i'm saying is that if you are using Deadly Reentry you could achieve the same effect by leaving a gap in your heat shielding. Sweet! Send me a link Anyway folks, to bed!
  17. This is an... Interesting idea. Unfortunately, I don't really know what a good 'failure' for a heat shield would be besides 'your heatshield has failed and you are going to die in the next 60s.' From a gameplay POV that doesn't seem fun at all . However in the future I'm looking at extending DangIt! to allow for impacts and engine exhaust to effect parts failure chance, so perhaps that could be combined with (yet another future plan) the idea of gradually degrading parts to allow for a Coulombia-type Failure of SRB Issue ==> Damage Tiles ==> Reentry failure. I'll definitely take a look in the future. P.S. You can make your own! Just tweak the AblativeShielding of your heat shield to lower than recommended, and tada: Reentry failure (assuming you are using Deady Reentry here)
  18. As in the "motors" in animated parts (e.g. Cargo Bays, Antennae) failed and the part can't be toggled until repaired.
  19. Alpha 0.5.1 - Performance Hotfix I've tracked down the issue that was causing massive performance issues and permanently fixed it. Alpha 0.5.1 no longer impacts FPS. Download from KerbalStuff or update with CKAN. Have fun
  20. Can you send me a screenshot of your Gamedata folder?, I'll try to replicate it. Additionally, make sure everything is up to date! Additionally, is there lag if you start up and go directly to flight?
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