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Everything posted by kjack1111

  1. We needed this mod for a long time. Thank you. Thank you for everything. First post of the third page!
  2. Makes sense. However, That would turn a lot of a people off due to the difficulty of doing so. (Certantly not me.) It's practically implied that the KSC has a infinite amount of electricity. This means that if they work at it enough, They can seperate the hydrogen from the carbon molecules. Thus, Infinite hydrogen. (There are also mods that add cryo engines, and basically the KSC has a infinite amount of resources.) Check (mate?)
  3. A funny implication: The kerbals can seemingly launch a infinite amount of rockets. This means they have a infinite amount of Liquid Fuel. Going on a limb and saying that the LF is liquid hydrogen, They have a infinite amount of liquid hydrogen. If they kerbals let that boil off into containers, They have a infinite amount of hydrogen. If they can miniturize the liquid-fuel generators they have, put it on a ship, and put it in orbit around lombri, And somehow get the evaporating hydrogen to go straight to the surface, Then over time, They could get a free star. Just a funny thing i realized.
  4. Awww ;u; It does make sense, Though. Nebular gas would've spread out to a invisible period by the time DD:EB takes place. Hows 0.3 coming along?
  5. A nebula would have dissipated by now. just throwing that out. Edit: i just saw that nebula. OH MY GOD!
  6. This is the third Dark Days mod. The first (And second) One had kerbol swelling up to a red dwarf, And perseus was a orange dwarf that was conveniently passing by. Sadly, Both were cancelled.
  7. You win with that idea. Endless win. Endless money to you. FLYING TO PLANETS. Kekarooni.
  8. This is going to be awsome. Something totally unrealated: With the latest release of TBG (To boldly go), if you cheat-menu into orbit around a planet TBG Generated, After several seconds, you get shot out at incredible speeds (10000m/s roughly)
  9. Are you going to add any new planets in 0.3, Or are you not allowed to talk about that? MORE PLANETS FOR THE PLANET GOD Also, If you're going to hide them, Then it would be extremely convenient if you had little clues to point towards them.
  10. *Hype levels are increasing, TAB smashing begins*
  11. Well thats awsome. Are there going to be more stars other then haven and perseus though? (Debatably lombri, As it seem's your implying for it to become a stellar system)
  12. MORE PLANETS FOR THE PLANET GODS /obvious joke Just some non-important planets are okay though.
  13. Regardless, I don't think that Perseus's red giant stage would've been that large anyways *shrug*
  14. Perseus would not have undergone a red giant stage, I believe. if i remember correctly, Its a orange dwarf, And i don't think i'd balloon and destroy all the planets.
  15. Is the mod set right at the end of the heat death of the universe, Or is it somewhere in the middle? (The most logical explanation would be the middle, due to haven.) If it does take place in the middle of heat death, Can perseus make a comeback as a white dwarf? I know you want to do it.
  16. Just going to say this and get yelled at: There should be a version which is more noob-friendly. In the meantime, I'm going to ignite lombri into a star.
  17. The more pausible thing is to take the hydrogen from haven and dump it onto lombri and hope that it begins fusion by itself. The other option is to make hydrogen from LITERALLY NOTHING. The reference is "Making water" of the martian OST
  18. More planets? Gimme. Lombri is a brown dwarf, right? If so, Then the kerbals could pump tonnes of hydrogen into it. However, this is the heat death of the universe we've talking about, So the kerbal's couldn't afford that? (Minus the fact that kerbals can do basically infinite launches.) A thing they can do if we're going sci-fi (I love sci-fi) Is they could somehow harness the imaginary particals (Particals and anti-particals pop into and annihilate eachother near-instantaniously all the time) and create hydrogen from scratch. Entropy could've slown this down though, who knows? OR they could star lift the hydrogen of haven, But that would be counter-intuitive unless lombri was REALLY close to being a star. Making hydrogen. (If you get the reference i love you)
  19. Whoops, I didn't remember the description of onur on-full. Fixed it.
  20. Check the liscense. AFAIK INAL (I'm not a lawyer), If it says you can redistribute but you can't edit things, then you can. Also, "Onur was once our home to" Lmao. Time to make a journey there. Whats the average height on onur? Tenebris has kerbins description.
  21. Awsome! I'd assume that texturereplacer is needed? (I already installed that out of gut-feeling)
  22. Cheat menu ;P And yes, it's good. I've also happened to notice that tenebris has no atmosphere, making recovering a spacecraft... Challenging. It feels really weird to do a mun-style landing for your homeworld. Then again, It is a ice planet, so...
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