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Everything posted by kjack1111

  1. Thank you for your help, The problem now appears to be fixed. Apologies for bugging you.
  2. I have installed DIRECT and Cormorant. Can you please elaborate?
  3. Nope, It's Gamedata/SPT However, the game kept crashing with the /MrMeeb install path, So i'm not quite sure what to make of this.
  4. So I've recently installed the pack, And I've done every bug shooting step i can reasonably do at 9:13 PM. The space lab parts refuse to show up in the VAB or SPH. I was wondering if this was a known bug, Or if I've done anything wrong. And yes, I believe i have correctly installed the pack.
  5. My dudes, it has been 11 days and no updates. Did 1.3.1 get in the way?
  6. Launching from a asteroid would be fun, but placing the space center would be difficult. Maybe a *very* small dwarf planet?
  7. I feel tempted to continue development on this. I can create kopernicus planets, but the problem is i can't hand-draw textures.
  8. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the pack "forget" to license some packs that it ripped textures from (Which is a complete violation of said texture licenses)
  9. yeah no ignore this apparently the guy that compiled the evidence went apeexcrements /shrug
  10. No. You are stealing other peoples work, especially from two people i heavily respect (Gameslinx and Master402), and you are violating their licenses. I heavily suggest that you take the download link down, or you could face flak from people that you've stolen artwork from that are way more influential in the community. Additionally, you are opening yourself up to a Cease and Desist order, Which could land you in very hot legal waters. You could potentially go to court and face massive fines or even jail time for stealing other peoples works. Seriously, stop doing this.
  11. Oh, PSA: This mod WILL NOT WORK on 32-bit. Weird stripes will show up and generally look ugly.
  12. Can confirm, Is looking great.
  13. Awsome! Glad to see this is still a thing going on.
  14. So what happened to this? Is it dead, or sleeping?
  15. What are you doing. You're going to break spacetime. You need to stop with the gloriousness of your planet packs. Seriously though, This is worth watching.
  16. Indeed they are. Indeed they are. Now i need to figure out how to model as good as him or i'm going to loose my mind.
  17. I apologize if i gave off the vibe i was complainging. I was simply concerned if the mod died or not. I was following a mod development thread, and the mod went into "Sleeping." I'm now fairly sure it's going to die, due to the track-record of the series of mods, so the last thing i need is this mod dying.
  18. You missed two video updates! TWO! THIS HERESY WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! /Warhammer Seriously though, can we get a update? (Sorry to be that person?)
  19. EDIT 2: Mistakingly reported known and somewhat-fixable bug. apologized
  20. PSA: If you despise the fact that gameslinx removed the accretion disk, if you install instantiator seperatly from the download, you can get the disk to show up. Be careful of log bloat, though.
  21. If it hasn't clicked yet, That's volux. The system looks weird because the system is slowly falling apart.
  22. Dat Tekto pod though. I'm partially concerned about the names of the pods though. What if you get into legal trouble with OPM? Also, what are the point of the centrispinnials, and the centrispinnial command pods?
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