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Everything posted by aaronfranke

  1. Does anyone know where I can get old versions of DMP? I want to be able to use it on older versions of KSP, including 0.23 and 0.23.5. EDIT: They can all be found here http://godarklight.info.tm/dmp/build/release/
  2. Does anyone else have a mirror for godarklight's mirror isn't working and the official download links in the OP don't work.
  3. As many of you know, 0.21 changed the space center to use the same terrain/models as in-flight to reduce the time needed to load up flights. Unfortunately, the VAB and SPH still take long to load, and I presume this is because they don't use the same terrain as in-flight and the space center. Simply put, I propose that, for 0.22, the VAB and SPH internal scenery exists within the flight scenery just as the space center now does in 0.21.
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