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Everything posted by Loing01

  1. My son Marius turned 4 today, and he's been a fan of Kerbal Space Program ever since he noticed me launching my first rocket in version 0.18. When I mentioned this last fact to my sister, she decided on baking and decorating him the perfect birthday cake - the picture above is the result. The Kerbals on the cake are, as you might have recognized from their facial expressions - Jebediah, Bill and Bob. Or was that Bob and Bill? I always get them confused. Marius often demands that I sit down with him and my laptop, and then send at least one rocket into space, after which he wants to drive Jebediah around on his rover on the Mun. Whenever I don't have the chance to play KSP with him, he will pick up a toy rocket we made, and zoom around the room with it. He's been inspired by the game, for which the credits go to the developers. Keep the updates coming, guys! PS. Sorry - I can't get the @#$@ picture to stand up straight... ;-)
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