Caelus landed on Mun. Or rather, Caelus ran out of fuel and crashed in a ball of fiery disaster. A top-down redesign was required for Caelus II, including a larger, more functional rover. This presented... Difficulties. The current configuration of Caelus II lacks the firepower required to reach Mun, but is the stablest configuration I've had for her yet. I figured adding an extra fuel tank and poodle engine into the midsection might help, but this led to the whole thing glitching out, with solid boosters refusing to fire and launch supports refusing to detach. I checked and double-checked the staging, but had to revert to the previous design. Is anyone willing to help me out with this? Even without the lack of firepower, the design is lacking in a couple of places - the disconnect between the midsection and the underside of the rover/lander (designed to be an all-in-one to land the rover, explore around, then fly back up to reconnect with the orbiting manned section) isn't great, and the section around the rover could probably do with a bit of extra stiffening. I want to get the rover onto Mun, look around for a bit, then re-attach and return to Kerbin, but I'm really running out of ideas to improve the design that don't result in an uncontrollable wreck. Caelus II can be downloaded here.