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  1. I'm still testing the new Jebified Saucer. The Mk I has some <ahem> landing issues. (Notice that Jeb is not smiling - Sorry J. )
  2. Thank you I'm about finished with a bigger Jeb carrying version and am going to test it out on a flight to Lathe then I'll post it here (with craft files)
  3. You can just edit them out of the craft file. I'm finishing up a bigger Kerbal carrying version so I'll make one without the lights when I put that one out.
  4. OMG - A reactionless drive engine made with strong wires, a plastic bag and a computer fan! Thank god I subscribe to this forum! See you suckers on Earth lata - I'm going to Neptune! YOLO!
  5. It's Mostly Stock - The ONLY mod is the Kerbal Aviation Lights ( http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/aviation-lights-v1-2/ ) by BigNose to get that great green glow. A fleet of these would probably be nice - with Lazors ! Craft File : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15738945/Saucer.craft Notes: 1 Key - releases launch clamps 3 Key - deploys dual parachutes (500 foot version) 4 Key - cuts chute 5 Key - toggles low altitude Basic jets (Below 15K) 6 Key - toggles high altitude Turbo jets (5 - 30K) 7 Key - toggles rockets (above 30K) 8 Key - Toggles lighting - You ONLY need RCS for docking - there's enough reaction wheels inside the craft to stabilize it at any attitude/speed - You should probably set an action key for releasing the Jr. Docking clamp as well - Refueling can be more easily accomplished by right clicking between red/blue lights at the very bottom of the craft.
  6. That is REALLY well done ! btw - is the flight computer giving you any problems. No reason. Just asking ....
  7. OK, is it just me or does that look like a stylized drawing of conan o'brian looking to the left along with the word "Conan" at the bottom ???? (!)
  8. Unfortunately the U.S. government is not going back to the moon in anyone's lifetime here - despite the hype . We don't even have enough money to fix our decaying infrastructure, feed the 22% of our children who live below poverty level, or bail out our bankrupt cities. We gave all that money to the banks and mortgage CEOs and boards and none of them want to go to the moon (although I wish they would). Maybe we'll see China get there one day or Canada or Australia or some country which still has vision but sadly that country is no longer the good old U.S. of A. ( --- glad I got to see the moonshots live).
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