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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Great idea Problem... it Crashed KSP in the VAB while trying to load a Ship (it's a ship i made before the mod. it's nothing fancy only stock parts.... Now the savegame is wrecked and will crash KSP... sight.. gone are my 10 mil funds ^^
  2. ,) but you know that we want to use it and not looking at your source code ,) Joke apart good to know you are at it
  3. Great Mod! Only one problem there is young padawan Lag... right now at bigger rockets there is a horrible lag between audio and visual.. Usually the audio ends round about 5-9 seconds before the end.. so visual is still ticking happy away. would it not make more sense to cut the audio file in small peaces and let the visual countdown trigger the audio. so even with lag it would say One when there is actually a 1 on the screen and not a 8 ,) Apart from that "minor" drawback" it's realy cool
  4. They already got a two week vacation and are back to work right now but i will give them your feedback
  5. Just wait for pack 2. as the space program expands even the mission goals and targets do so.
  6. Yes because your Probe stayed in Orbit and our Scientists need the data from the descend. Sadly there is still no way to refuel in space but until then yes you have to send another Probe up there and then bring her down.
  7. First of nice to hear you enjoy NTSP. I designed the reward with 2 things in mind. 1. Failure, it's KSP and not everyone is able to build a stable launchvehicle asap ,) 2. The Prestige Missions. Those are truly expensive, and the next one even more ,). Since you need them to get to the next level of Commercial Missions they are a must have Missions, even if you can neglect them at the beginning. BUT at a certain point with the further exploration of the kerbal system and further raise of rocketcost they are a must have. At the end of Pack 1 there are the first Missions to build rovers. Our Scientists are working extra Hours to advance our Program but you have to remember they are not computers and therefore can't been overclocked to work faster
  8. Hy, great mod you build there; even if i never got the mission making to work, but your missions where fun Directly you can't do this at the moment. But there is a workaround for that i did it at some missions in the NT Space Program. You simple need to set the partcount for the not allowed stuff to 0. kinda blacklist. but true a whitelist would be a nice add on, and would enable to build a Tech-Tree; without a mile long textfile ,) And another plus would be that it would also catch addon-parts (novapunch, etc). right at the moment it would be impossible to catch them with a blacklist.
  9. Cool idea with the Client Controlled Flights! Would give a nice extra Layer to NT Space Program. Ok I have a Question for the "MC Mission Maker Community" where to set our Tabus ? Right now I'm layering out Part 2 of the NT Space Program and I would like for the lvl 2 Prestige Mission to let the Player build a Mun Base. So far so good. Since, at least at the moment, there is no way to detect another Vessel in the vicinity I have to give a Location where to Land the Base Vessels, there are only a small amount of people out there which are able to dock on a planets surface; most are still struggling with Space Docking. So now there are certain "places" which would be really interesting, first to discover and then to have a base nearby. Mun Arches per example. So the question is should we consider Easter Eggs a general no go? Or should we say ok there is this 1 Mun Arch which is prominent enough that we all use and the rest stays as a no go. My Personal thoughts are that in general the Easter Eggs should be avoided. BUT as a teaser to find more could we use one ? So what you guys think ?
  10. ? it's a simple Zip File. Just extract it with every common Unpacker. Even Windows Explorer should do that ,)
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