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Jeb Cubed

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Posts posted by Jeb Cubed

  1. One day is just thought about making a biplane. As you can tell this isn't a biplane, it kinda took a creative turn for the better in my mind. It is probably a late 20's or 30's fighter, right around that time period. She is a joy to fly, accually quite smooth. To be honest is wasn't expecting much when I made her. I was to much in on the looks. However I got lucky and got a very lovely plane, if I do say so myself. I guess I will let the pictures take over for now.

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    Now you might be wondering how it takes off. Well it does so how every you want to. Just make sure to take off by 60 m/s. However if you do not take off by then you are in luck. Just leave the seat, right click on the wheel and repair. Your kerbal can then get back in the seat, even while in the air.

    Landing is a tricky though. You have to be going fairly slow, less than 60 m/s. Then once you land your SAS and brakes HAS to be on(the plane will flip). If no brakes then no SAS is required. Also dont try turning during landing. Also the Infiniglide glitch is some what present, there is no way I can get around that with out sacrificing agility.

    Alright that is pretty much it, no action groups in this one. I hope you enjoy my work and please fly safely.


  2. Are you sick of hireing new kerbal pilots? Well don't use em'! Instead put a poor little probe on the danger! Okay that is enough of that. It isn't a fighter so don't expect dime quality turning but it should be enough for anything the probe will come across. She comes stock with two light missles for self defence or light attack. I am working on a heavier version for dog fighting. Also press two for the asthetics protion. A good thing about this craft is there is almost no part clipping, with the exeption a two cubical struts. I hope you enjoy flying it and here are the pics.

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