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Joe Shmoe

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Posts posted by Joe Shmoe

  1. I completely agree. When I play KSP, I try to follow the chronological order of actual space history, so it bothered me that career mode starts off with manned missions. I think it would be interesting to add a science part that examines the safety of kerbaled space flight (perhaps recording radiation or some other common hazard of space). It would provide the science needed to get the first manned command modules while still adding realism to the game.

  2. Tough but fun! I remember how exciting it was when I first made the major milestones of a space program (Sats, Kerbals in orbit, Mun stuff ect.) I'm starting to branch put more by exploring the Kerbol system. I'm expecting it to be challanging! :) (This is referring to my sandbox game though, I'm still getting started with career.)

  3. One of my rockets had a launch pad explosion and when I pressed "Abort" to fire up the escape tower only two of two of the four engines started and the command pod did a flip and smacked into the side of the crumbling launcher...

    ...Three Kerbonauts were killed in the incident. :(

  4. I use to not care much about the safety of Kerbonauts, but after a very tragic mission where (becuase I wasn't careful) crashed a Mun lander. The crew survived, but they were stranded on the Mun. I feel sorry for those two Kerbonauts, so I put a lot more effort into keeping future crews safe.

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