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Everything posted by BurntPhoenix

  1. TARDIS. You could teleport in, wreak havoc w/ doctor and friends, then screw up time and space and cause confusing plotlines to boot. CCS class battlecruiser from Halo vs. Black zero, Zod's ship from Man of Steel
  2. True. The user below me likes dark chocolate better than milk chocolate.
  3. One second of unintended decoupling.
  4. Banned for constantly exterminatusing the picture war forum
  5. Wish granted. But then you will be towed for stopping in a no parking zone. I wish for phoenixes irl.
  6. False today's Friday, it doesn't count the user below me is majoring in psych.
  7. I named my first duna rover Eris because she liked to travel with mars/ares, the god of war. Her name cursed me - my mun gravity boost failed, one of my rover's wheels popped and fell off upon landing, and it flipped over and blew up while rolling down a hill.
  8. *lands on shoulder and peeks at drawing* *Bumps elbow* *drawing ruined* "Nerd!" *flies away*
  9. 359: Come dressed as a Walmart employee and get people to ask you where to find things. no matter what they ask for, walk them to the toiletries aisle and throw axe deodorant at them
  10. Banned for actually having the power to ban
  11. Kerbal C Something to make my post longer darn, ninja'd!
  12. Wow. The tesla coil sound fits the DW theme perfectly
  13. 10/10 Nic Cage is our lord and savior *Nik
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