I've been inspired by Macey Deans "Spirit Wolf" saga, and decided to follow in that vein. If you're unfamiliar with KSP, check out here: http://www.vendetta-online.com/x/msgboard/15/27445 (this thread is what sparked my intrest in KSP), and if you wondered who Macey Dean is and what the Spirirt Wolf saga is check out:
(and this is what hooked me).Anyway. I've been through some teething problems, as evidenced in the above thread, but I think I have a handle on things now, and Kerbelle Heavy Industries (KHI) is ready to face the dangers of the black. First and foremost. KHI owes no small part of its success to the Courage and Stupidity of many loyal employees who have spent their lives, quite literally, in service to KHI. Unfortunatly, due to a recent lab accident, all previous employee records have been sucked through a TurboJet engine, and so we are unable to publicly honour their sacrifice. Henceforth, all posthumous honour shall be listed here: ::Honour Roll:: No deaths recorded ---------------------- Anyway, on to better news. KHI is please to announce the successful launch of our new Space Station, [KHI SS] High Angel. High Angel has already proven to be a superb base for orbital craft, having acted as a fuel depo and staging post for smaller craft. Here it is, sedately holding a 275,000m orbit around Kerbin. Currently docked in the above image is the first of the new model fighters, the [KHI LF] Stanger. The Stanger class light fighter features a small dock on the front, as well as a standard dock on the rear. KHI are currently developing a range of re-armable torpedoes to equip them with, though this is proving more complex than initially planned. Also docked is High Angels own defense system, the [KHI SM] Kazi smart missile. This missile has proven an effective deterrent, and since the implementation of what is now come to be called "The Big Stick" policy, KHI has detected no credible threat to our assets to date. Of course, there were no credible threats before implementing the Big Stick policy, but hey... Current R&D Projects: Military Division: Development of (redacted) systems. Military Division: Development of Rescue Shuttle Craft. Science Division: Development of permanent Mun base. Science Division: Development of Astro-drone utility craft. Logistics Division: Development of Orbital Silo storage system Logistics Division: Development of Tanker mobile resupply craft. Current Assets: [KHI SS] High Angel (Kerbin Orbit) [KHI LF] Stanger "Rogue 1" (Docked@HighAngel) [KHI MB] Oops Mun Base temp camp (Munar surface) [KHI MT] Porter "Gopher 1" (Docked @HighAngel) Footnote: KHI has also discovered two other craft, in orbits matching High Angels, a light craft and what seems to be an abandoned Space Station. Neither appear to be manned, and have not responded to comms. KHI CEO Faille Kerbelle.