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Posts posted by fran13kie

  1. KSP Version: (WindowsPlayer) Steam BETA 64bit

    What Happens:

    Flew a shuttle to space and closed the game. Next day I launched a rocket to refuel shuttle and flew the shuttle to a space station around Mun. Came back to Kerbin and was perfectly lined up to land at KSC coming from the West.

    I used 4x physics warp during the descent and when I came out at around 10km away a Structural wing Type A exploded (flight log said crashed in launch pad). At first I thought the cause was the physics warp. I managed to keep the shuttle steady until about 3 km out when the other Structural wings A and B type all exploded. They all "collided" with the launch pad.

    Mods / Add-Ons:


    KW Rocketry

    B9 aerospace

    Kerbal attachement system

    Navyfish docking cam

    Kerbal alarm clock

    Flight Manager for Reusable Stages

    Kerbal Engineer

    Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:




  2. This bug happened to me today. Flew a shuttle to space and closed the game. Next day I launched a rocket to refuel shuttle and flew the shuttle to a space station around Mun. Came back to Kerbin and was perfectly lined up to land at KSC coming from the West.

    I used 4x physics warp during the descent and when I came out at around 10km away a delta wing exploded (flight log said crashed in launch pad). At first I thought the cause was the physics warp. I managed to keep the shuttle steady until about 3 km out when the other delta wings and B type wings IIRC, all exploded. They all "collided" with the launch pad. I will post pictures if my shuttle tomorrow.

    I use the following mods:


    KW Rocketry

    B9 aerospace

    Kerbal attachement system

    Navyfish docking cam

    Kerbal alarm clock

    Flight Manager for Reusable Stages

  3. It's kind of like the advice given to people who are just learning to dock: "If you think you might be moving, you are. If you KNOW you're moving, then you're going too fast."

    I find it is easier to tell if you are pulling on the handles by bringing up the Navball in the map screen. You can pay attention to the DV required changing as you play with the handles and this makes precision adjustments more simple.

  4. Once you have a dish pointed at Kerbin you can communicate to nearby probes with dipole antennas. I placed a main communication tower on the Mun's surface pointing towards my Kerbin communication network with dishes and my satellites in orbit around Mun communicate with that tower via dipoles.

  5. This! yes! Also control of the angle of deflection would be a plus as well! Not only unlock and lock, but lock in any direction we want. We could have flaps, spoilers, air brakes....*sigh*

    The Ferram aerospace research (FAR) Mod gives you the possibility to do all those things except for locking controls I think... You can also select which motion the control surface affects (pitch, yaw and roll)

  6. I decided to build a vehicle capable of retrieving the capsules that land in the area of the KSC. Since half my landings end up in the water I made this amphibious search and rescue vehicle capable of retrieving both the Kerbals and the capsule.


    Here it is at night during its first mission:


    Getting in the water:


    Picking up Bob and Bill


    Coming out of the water with the Kerbals and the capsule:


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