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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Consciousness is the result of your brain fireing neurons, and the rest of the body giving of hormones that are sensed by the brain (in turn resulting in more neuron fireing). When we understand exactly how the brain works, we will be able to replicate it. Or stimulate it on a computer Or are you going to bring 'soul' into a science forum?
  2. The mistake everyone makes with the observer effect is that it's mostly quantum physics, and people try to understand it using what they know of NORMAL physics. That just doesn't work
  3. You are mixing up some terms. The atoms aren't that important. Except ofcourse you need the right ones to make your proteins, and fats, and everything your body is made off. The specific molecules (or atoms if you will) are constandly being replaced, transformed into other molecules, ect. What's important is the exact structure of your brain. The way the neurons and supporting cells are linked. Each and every thing you experience, causes your brain to rewire itself. As far as I understand it, that's a big part of your learning procces. Than ofcourse there are hormones influencing everything, ect. If you could copy all those things, be it a computer simulation or some organic replacement, than you would probably have real concience. Contrary to popular belief, the brain is very capable of replacing damaged nerve cells, and your brain develops new connections constandly (and removes old ones). Cell turnover (natural death+replacement, like replacing skin) is pritty slow though. Your bones not cells, so they are not replaced in the same way. They are sortoff replaced often though. You have very specific macrophages designed to remove bone tissue, followed by specific cells that create new ones. Inside your bones is a network of cells that monitor the structure for any faults, and if they detect any, it's repaird in much the same way a dentist repairs a teeth. Remove everything around the fracture, and fill it up with new bone. Also, your bones are constandly rebuild to acomdate for new pressures. It's the reason austronauts get weak bones in space. Without gravity, there is no pressure on your bones, and thus they are made weaker to accomodate for the new situation. Anything the body conciders to much is removed fast (that's why you can lose your muscles so fast if you stop working out). And yes, alternatively if you were to start living on a planet with higher gravity, you'd get stronger bones
  4. And than how would you want to explain it to someone who doesn't even know what an electron is? Cause I'm pritty sure that's the target audience of this video And the observer effect is a very real fenomenon. Quantum physics don't work the way we are used to. Best example I ever heard was with radioactivity. During observation of a single unstable particle, that particle will never decay. The Quantum Zeno Effect
  5. I thought the slits needed to be smaller than the wavelenght? And he talked about the observation part, where you observe each individual electrode as it passes through the slits
  6. Nice video. But I don't think you could do it at home. You'd need some very delicate sensors to observe single electrodes. Ofcourse, if you had those you could probably do it at home, but I don't think that counts as home anymore
  7. That's nothing more than a phylisofical question. Something that's in every way an identical copy, including your thaughts, memorys, and everything, is the same person in my opinion. And telemerase is hardly the only problem with aging. Each cel division builds up small mutations. You'd need to find a way to fix that if you want to live forever (I'm talking about cancer)
  8. Like the ones we already give to transplant patients? That would depend. Currently the body rejects implants because they do not match your exact DNA. The adeptive imune system is 'trained' during development of each individual Tcell to recognize your own body's peptides (parts of proteins). Peptides are presented on all living cells. Cells presenting the wrong peptides are concidered foreign. Ofcourse it's way more complex, as each human has basicly the same proteins (we only differ in some very small ways. Everyone still has the same hemoglobine), and the actual reason for organ rejection is a little more complex, but this is the basis. To prevent rejection, transplant patients take drugs that supress the imune system. Combined with this they'll need to take wide effect antibiotica and stuf like that. And if the mismatch is to big, you are still in significant risk of rejection. Now obviously machines are not cells, so they won't have this specific problem with rejection. They are however forgein materials, and I have no doubt the imune system will try to remove them in some way. But that will probably mostly be through the innate imume system (macrophages and stuf), rather than adeptive imune system. So the reaction would be much smaller. With simple sensors and stuf, the problem might even be limited to corrosion of the sensor itself. That's easy to fix, just get a new sensor (the chip itself is subdermal, outside of the skull). But for implants that have to merge WITH your brain, like Nuke said, this would be a serieus problem. Now you can't supress the inate imune system. It's important for everything that your imune system does, including fighting virusses. We currently do not have any way of fighting virusses, other than 'get in bed and sick out'. Supress the inate imune system, and a simply flu would go from a simple flu to a life threatning disease (like it already is for people with imune system problems). Hell, even without any problems entering your body, the inate imune system plays important roles with cleaning up after processes that occure normally in your body. Long story short: We'd need to find a way to make the body recognize such an implant as something that belongs there
  9. Thank you for a pritty good example why we won't see any 'control your brain' chips anytime soon. I didn't even think about the learning problem. After you grew up with it, it might aswel be a piece of your brain. A piece your body can't possibly repair on it's own
  10. All filtered by neurons. And quite a big part of the brain works with hormones, not with electricity And I feel like a broken record here, but a sensor isn't connected to anything
  11. And where exactly do you asume that a chip in your brain will have some omnipotent function? It's just 1 chip. A pacemaker is a machine. It has a chip Like I said, if we ever have 'chips' in our brain, the first things will be monitors. Nothing more. Hell, they'll probably be subdermal chips with sensors reaching down into the brain itselfs. Gues what? You can't control anything with a sensor. We will probably never see anything that can directly interfere with direct brain functions without a crapton of implants, designed for this specific function, already implanted in every area of the brain. And that won't happen until we understand how the brain actually WORKS. That's ganna be a LONG time Your brain isn't some computer with 1 central commandpoint that you can hack and steer everything. Every region makes it's own decisions, and all those inputs come tougether to form the final action
  12. My lander is 1 fat tank with legs, a MK2 lander can ontop, and 2 atomic rockets on the side. It has a docking port at the bottom, so if needed I can use it to land modules on the surface, undock and fly the lander away
  13. Perfect tuturial for everything you need to get started. Mechjeb (mod) has autopilot function, but it won't fly you to the Mun. It has an autopilot launch to orbit, and it can automaticly excecute your manouver nodes, but you have to make the nodes yourself. It is pritty simple for Mun though. Just set a node anywhere, pull prograde until your projected orbit intersects with Mun's orbit, pull a little bit more, and than move the node around until you get an encounter
  14. Meh I don't think this could be the future. If anything it reminds me of cars in the Flintstones
  15. He wouldn't even speak the language. Language evolves pritty damn fast. If you were to get in a time machine and go, say 1000 years in the future. Even if the language is still called english, you wouldn't understand a word of it. Just think of how mad you already are with the your you're, and all the slang ect, that right there IS language evolving, while the old guys just try to stick to the rules.
  16. Full virtual reality is right around the corner, I'm pritty sure we can jam that stuf in
  17. I am going to asume it feels like when you are horribly sick, and puke so much your stomach is empty but you still FEEL like you have to puke? That hurts like crap
  18. Right, stupid of me to not think of that. Motion sickness is caused by your inner ear (your motion sensor) not agreeing with the rest of your sensory input
  19. I'm sure you could. But concidering all nerves going to the lower body are in 1 big bundle, I'm pritty sure you'll have some... 'side effects' Cutting a nerve seems a little extreme
  20. Ever heard of a pacemaker? It's funny to look at the 2 'sides' of this here. There are the people who call out 'OMG my brain will get hacked' without defining what a chip actually DOES. Ya know 'chip' doesn't automaticly mean 'internet connection' right? I know everything is connected these days, but it doesn't HAVE to be. Hell, there are alot of people that ALREADY have chips in theyr brains. Connected to electrodes Deep Brain Stimulation is exactly that. A subdermal chip, with electrodes going into the brain. It can be controled with a remote that your doctor has, to adjust the settings. 'Hacking' that would be like 'hacking' an old analoge TV. Not possible unles you are standing behind the viewer with your own remote Even if you had a chip with internet connection, a chip is JUST A CHIP. To 'control a body' you'd first need it to overwrite EVERY SIGNAL in the brain. We don't even know what those signals mean, let alone overwrite them into something that makes sense. And again, the chip would need to be purpose BUILD FOR THAT. A chip that's designed to monitor vital functions (as we'll probably see soon) would do NOTHING if you hacked it, or connected it to someone's computer and gave them admin acces. It's nothing more than a sensor. The first chips would be nothing more than sensors. First in chronical patients to give the doctor permanent acces to vital signs, followed by the same kinds of sensors implanted in healty people. Refusing them will be synchronus to refusing vaccins 'cause it's gods will', or 'cause they poison my kids' And lastly at the Deus Ex: HR example. The whole 'hacking into a persons chip to control them' works because of a number of VERY specific things: First, the victims had to go and have a special chip (a whole plot point is that you can choise to NOT get the chip, and than you are not effected by the effect), designed specificly for this job, installed. Second, the chip did not control the brain. It controled OTHER IMPLANTS. If you had just the chip, there would be no effect
  21. I don't believe I'll personally ever see this happening. If it were to happen, it'd depend on HOW I were to die. If I'd still be young, not wanting to die? Probably. If I'd be old and broken, happy with my life, ect? I'd probably be ready to die. And ofcourse if I'd develop alzheimer, that it'd be kinda a moot point, as there is probably not enough to 'download'
  22. Mythbusters is just explosions, I call that relaxing Wait I mean science: They write it down Anyway: This is why I love black holes. So extremely complex, so impossible to understand, that I want to know more of them
  23. Mass is data. Mass is NOT data that's being transmitted. NOTHING can escape a black hole. Including in this nothing is any kind of radiation/photon/radiowave/anything-esle-I-negleted-to-mention-in-this-example carying some form of data (light is a form of data) And we got it just as we get everything else we know about black holes (or THINK we know about black holes). Indirect observation. Besides, how did we figure out the mass of the sun? We didn't put it on a scale, I can tell you that. We used it's gravity. check it out
  24. There is a mod that gives you launch pads that you can fly to and deply on other space bodys. You need to land it near kethane deposits (comes with the mod) though, but your base is on wheels so that shouldn't be a problem
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