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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Welcome Try to split your station into smaller parts with docking clamps, and send the parts up 1 by 1. Less weight to carry means not as HUGE a rocket And use Mechjeb's deltaV stats to help during design. The info is very usefull (Thrust/Weight ratio, deltaV itself)
  2. Maybe next time you should try to read the first result Google gives you. To quote the first line of text in the first post: That almost looks like that forum thread might be the home page of the mod. And that big ass link saying Almost as if that might be a download link
  3. If you are looking FOR the chair, it's under the command pod's section
  4. I think they work abit like Evolution. Just slap on parts and see if it works
  5. So probably heavy use of the Kerbal Alarm Clock
  6. Reinforce your ship, or do it yourself. Basicly what's happening is that your ship is stable as long as you go straight up, but Mechjeb makes constand small corrections, and thus introduces a tiny amount of wobble. If the ship is already weak, this will make it worse
  7. DAMN you must be new to the internet. Over in this corner we have something called 'search engines'. They allow you to enter some keywords, and the engine will search the web for you, and bring up all sorts of relavent information. Give it a try: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Kethane
  8. If you use Mechjeb, you can try the docking autopilot (it's horribly inefficient though), or use Smart A.S.S. to help line up your docking ports perfectly. When docking, switch to the chace cam so that yawning up actually points up on the screen (this will help a LOT), and use the HNJKLI keys when docking. They allow you to move left rigth up down and forward and backward, rather than just forward, backward and pointing at different things
  9. That is totally what I say if some glitch deceides to blow up my craft
  10. Whenever I try to dock stuf to my spacestation or other things I quicksave like every 10 meters, cause I'm afraid to overshoot, or crash into the target or something. I've been getting pritty good at it though, so start to do it less often. I'll still always quicksave at the start of a docking manouver, and somewhere in the middle, and when I'm basicly lined up but still might screw up cause the RCS is unbalanced or something
  11. You could put the original part (with the 5 docking ports) in the VAB, and than assamble the new craft against it (as in, already docked). When done with the new ship, you can than remove the part that's already in orbit. You now have the docking ports perfectly alligned (as they were designed already against it)
  12. There's a mod that does that, but I'm not sure if it works correctly atm (subasambly loader)
  13. I think they were planning to remove the 'end flight' option, and replacing it with something you can do once landed
  14. I think you'd notice if your laptop overheats though
  15. To be fair, we have an unlimted suply of kerbals and no ethics to worry about. If an actual space agency stranded an astronaut they'd firstly lose an astronaut they spend years training (a LOT of years), and the public wouldn't like it very much (funding)
  16. Is there a way to keep the kethane detector running when you are not controling the satalite? Cause every time I activate the thing, go back to manage some other craft and come back, it stopped. So currently the only way for me to scan the entire Mun would be to watch my satalite actually cover the entire Mun. Which kinda sucks
  17. If you have the plugin 'Kerbal Alarm Clock', you can set up an alarm for the maneuver note, and this wil save the note even if you switch out to something else/ close and reload the game.
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