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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I can't think of any good rover designs, and trying to come up with a mining program on Mun is even worse
  2. Don't bother with the aerodynamics to much, it hardly makes a difference as long as you don't have odd bits sticking out of the side (and that's still hardly a problem if it's symetrical)
  3. In the absolute emptyness of space, noone can hear you explode
  4. Your problem is being afriad of tools. They do nothing but help. Anyway, turn of SAS. If it's already stable, it won't change. Also when you are about to dock, turn of SAS on the craft you CONTROL. SAS actually blocks the magnetic docking, cause it prevents the perfecting alining
  5. You come back healthier than ever. The goverment captures you and does horrible experiments on you to find the secret of eternal life I wish for a cool vacation
  6. You sure that's China? If someone told me that this was North Korea's practice program I'd be quicker to believe it
  7. If you need RCS during accent, your craft is unstable
  8. Granted. However you formulate your next wish wrong and undo everything I wish someone would make me breakfast
  9. Well that escalated quickly (armageddon movie, blow it up before it crashes)
  10. Check the settings in main menu. 'Input' lets you rebind the keys. Even if you don't want to rebind them, it's still good to check what input options you missed. I know I always miss a few that would have been extremely usefull to have known before
  11. Granted. You spend 10 years studying Unity. You now know every in and out of the engine, but noone uses it anymore I wish I could get out of this designerblock and finally get a proper Kethane miner to the Mun.
  12. Not like there are any actual pictures of a black hole anyway, everything is artist renderings But you are right, it's not a very accurate picture
  13. I J K L keys already translate in stage option (H and N for back and forth)
  14. You don't get it I wish for people to stop necroing here
  15. Google black hole and it's the 2nd picture. The thing around it is a gravity lens Anyway:
  16. Wouldn't that tiny little rover thing only go in circles with that wheel setup?
  17. Like proto-earth and what is now our moon? That'd probably be a wet dream for astronomers
  18. Concidering that you can get basicly the same forum on any of the thousand create-a-forum sites for very little, not awhole lot And the download links, I don't know much about what they run on, but I somehow doubt 10 extra downloads have much effect.
  19. Wait, there are stars on this forum?
  20. O look, this again It's a SINGLE PLAYER GAME Make your own rules, shoot at ships with wack a kerbal, instal a mod, I don't give a hoot. But stop spewing your battlefield fanboyism over here
  21. Yes, the docking autopilot is grossly inefficient
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