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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. A KSP alike game is Space Agency and Scott Manley did a video a while back, but it has been updated with a whole bunch of new features. is Scott Manley's video.
  2. DISCLAMER I do not own this video, Tumblr, or any grumpy cat related trademarks. But anyways, it's a nice video. and sad one too
  3. Nope. Like a shooting range, but for cheap (2.95+optional donations)
  4. Straight from the many rooms of the coding team of Mad Kid Game Studio, Shooting Simulator 2015! Coming 3.5.15. madkidgamestudio.weebly.com/products.html
  5. Hi! I finished at the top of my grade for my spelling bee entry, and the county spelling bee is tomorrow. Any advice? Kenbob
  6. So I just recently got over all of my fears due to 1 thing- a bully. So this kid got ticked off with me (for some reason) and starts chasing me down this hall. He throws a punch to my back And of all places he hit my spinal cord. My legs just stopped. (i can walk, it was momentary paralyzation.) Not walking made me realize how easy it was to stop something. PEACE
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=85114404&v=7l1BdSGkAhc&x-yt-ts=1422579428#t=395 Live streaming me making a simple unity game with a room.
  8. FNAF animatronics. Bonnie. YUJUMPSCARE?
  9. Me being a youngster, I never saw it happen IRL. But I watched the Richard Feynman "The Challenger Disaster" or whatever on Science Channel. It was quite dramatic. I respect the families of the crew members, and the crew members who knew the risk. ;-;7
  10. Now hear this- I am looking for someone with a mac to download xcode and help me compile an iOS app. Volunteer work. Thank you! Ken
  11. So To answer many understandable concerns/questions- Game purpose- Horror Why is it so small right now?- I made this in 3 hours, I'm starting small, proving essentials. Phone number- It's a google voice. I don't care about calls in the night. Video of gameplay: I'll whip up a quick one. After mobile port is confirmed to work. (this may sound sketchy but) E-mail me if you want demo 2.0.
  12. aw yeah! By the way, fnaf 3 trailer is out.
  13. Yes, you read the title right! I AM MAKING A VIDEO GAME! Unity3D. Me and 5 other people are making a game. So if you are interested, Send us an e-mail at madkidgamestudio@gmail.com and also Our website is http://madkidgamestudio.weebly.com A demo is in there.
  14. I'm a Orange Belt, 3rd grade in Taekwondo, I build model rockets, play video games, get in the spelling bee, get straight A's. Deal with it. PIC WILL BE HERE
  15. Jeez, I was just adding a tool! Jeez...
  16. As far as I know, noone has acknowledged it. 'Cept for you
  17. I was given permission by his brother to reveal GIC's identity.
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