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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. The lander burst. Starwhip. Because barn ksc is barn.
  2. Each booter has 2 F1 Engines? Damn, thats alot
  3. EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT NASA OFFICIAL REPORT UP http://www.nasa.gov/press/2014/october/nasa-s-wallops-flight-facility-completes-initial-assessment-after-orbital-launch/#.VFF5KvnF9z8
  4. Sal- if that's true, there hasn't been that before like .21, .22, .23, .23.5, OR .24. So.... Is there a update we have to pay for in the future
  5. 1. General Add-on affairs 2. Find the thread titled "need a thread moving..." in Kerbal Network 3. ??? 4. Profi-er-HELP
  6. Dooz- ihatethis10charlimit
  7. On the website (not forum) it says there is a FREE UPDATE! What does that mean?
  8. Tuesday never came for the Enterprise-B, but it is NOW season 9.5! Released!!!
  9. Also, the new expansion is coming out on (big star trek reference here) Tuesday.
  10. Not sure how to put this with 10 mins to type but here's a link to the page It's available on steam, but news is here: Star Trek Online News
  11. kenbobo


    You've broke the space time continuim
  12. 3. I try my hardest to land at KSC, i land about 0-60 km away each time my plane flies suborbital.
  13. .... I REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE MY OWN Googleplex^Googleplex^2394723847298584365297836597824365897264375826439875pi
  14. Hi I was wondering, with the new Destructible buildings, if it was possible to make a mod to target a certain building. #BDArmoryProbz
  15. I don't know, i just did this and it worked. It just gives you the parts back, no other files THAT I KNOW OF. I am prob wrong, i just don't know.
  16. BD Armory 0.5.2 works fine in .25, but no building booms with bombs/missiles.
  17. But first LEMME TAKE A SELFIE
  18. Do the following steps: 1. Go into /KSPDIR/GameData/Squad 2. Erase Parts folder. 3. Run patcher. 4. Restart Game. 5. Enjoy single items. Right click Kerbal Space Program on steam Then hit Local Files Then, hit Verify Integrity Done. Reason: They changed Part Config names, so the part.cfg is still there. So this worked for me.
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