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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. Dude, we just want something! who cares about grammar!!! JUST GIVE US IT!!! NAO!\ Just so this is known forever in history... http://web.archive.org/web/20140322214614/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24560-AAR-The-Grand-Tour-Voyage-To-The-Planets?p=1037015
  2. you go czo! Lets get this done! I (really really) need something to distract me from .23.5 and .24
  3. I know i already made one, but it was closed before anyone else could comment. So moderators, please keep this one open for our speculation. Now on to the facts The thursday and friday Dailys are late. I think we maybe looking at a new version in our midst! Comment, and please try out the poll!
  4. WAIT!!!! This happened during .22 launch! They delayed the weekly... and then posted a release date!!!!!
  5. I know i may sound like a PITA but anyone else notice that thursdays and now fridays daily kerbal is missing?
  6. Dude, if you keep on posting in random forums noone will come.
  7. woah... Rep and take 100k kudos
  8. where do the davinci probe wings come from?
  9. Hello! I call this one the Firebee SSTO Alpha-Omega 1! Flight plan in craft description in SPH http://www./view/la5jf0dr862o3t5 Screenies http://imgur.com/a/xTJ1p#0
  10. Xactar, i have seen that one with the Blast off one. I think you should do one for ksp PLEASE!
  11. Im sorry i dont. Ill do a mission! Taking screens as i go Link to scrennies! http://imgur.com/a/xTJ1p#0
  12. I dont have the skill/equiment/ the effort!
  13. I made a ssto capable of 110x75km orbit! And can land back at Kerbal space center! Flight plan in craft description in SPH http://www./view/la5jf0dr862o3t5
  14. I will give rep and 10m kudos to a person who can make a KSP version of this:
  15. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26413953 latest news on ukraine/ czok
  16. dude tucker down hide under your covers breath as little as you can and keep calm and AAR on
  17. dead forum? MORE czok is probably not going to wright for a while so i need some ksp thing!
  18. Hey this may sound weird but writing/ksp does relax me in dire situations
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