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Everything posted by 7499275

  1. Ever wanted a radial mount drogue chute? Well we have the answer for you! After simple editing the original radial mount parachutes CFG file I have come up with a high altitude... (maybe too high of an altitude) parachute capable of bringing down a command pod from 2k m/s down to 100m/s before it reaches Kerbin! Now you may be thinking, "I love the radial mounted parachute that comes with the stock game! I Don't want to replace it!" No need to worry we have you covered! The radial drouge chute will not replace the older radial mounted chute in anyway shape or form... Except for looks that it! (because of my lack of modding abilities it looks exactly the same) But don't let that fool you! It is still a very handy parachute for bringing craft back to Kerbin! Install instructions: Open "Drogue Chute.rar" and put the "Gamedata" folder into your KSP install folder and merge all folders it asks. Download: http://www./?j9550ll52wyss97 As for permissions... I really don't care what you do with this. EDIT: Updated texture and CFG file, should no longer replace default radial mounted chute and has a new orange texture.
  2. Is it possible to get a satallite to into a North Pole Geostationary position?
  3. Honestly, I prefer panels to RTG's because panels with batteries out put more power and store longer... Anyway, a use for them is depending on mods. Kethane: Generator Drills Scanning Ioncross: Air recycling system Stock: Lighting Reaction wheels I'm sure there is more depending on more mods... I'm just going by the main mods I use personally and what they can be used for. Anyway, hope this helped some.
  4. EDIT: Admin or mod please delete this comment... Had multiple forum tabs open and posted a comment on wrong thread... Sorry for wasting this space.
  5. Okay, at least RT works with .21 that's good to hear, and know now as I've been waiting for about a week now on just RT lol.
  6. If I may ask, what are the differences between RT and RT2? Also, how buggy is it? I want to use it for my lets play of KSP and I am basically waiting for this to update... If .20 version works with .21 game version I will use it. Thats the entire reason I'm asking about RT2 features and the amount of bugs in it to see if it is worth it or not.
  7. As too my part count it was only 14 pieces that were in orbit... 30 when launched... And in the cfg file I will have a look at that momentarily if I recall you can change the max sub division for kerbins oceans to really help.
  8. That helped some but still only getting around 12 fps... But will do for now. Thanks.
  9. Since .21 and the new terrain for Kerbin I always have very low FPS if I look at Kerbin while launching, in atmosphere or even in Kerbin's SOI. I know I'm not giving much information but I don't have a lot to give I just need some help with this because it is very frustrating. Thanks in advance guys 7499275
  10. Oh goodie! Updated to .21.1 and added containers! I think it is now time to download this and give it a try! Cheers man!
  11. If you look from the inside you can tell there is no airlock, the hatch does lead straight outside.
  12. Wonderful! Glad to see it getting back into the water at least! Just one question, will some of the weapons systems be released in the .21 update for this mod or as a different pack? If I remember correctly I saw somewhere they might be released seperatly.
  13. Intersteller marines is a no, Starmade I play and for the rest I'll check out later!
  14. Hey guys! I'm looking for a game, I do not know what kind, or anything about it. Something unique and fun and addictive, with elements of KSP in it such as space travel and other planets, but it needs to be first person and maybe a survival type game? I have been searching through websites Indiedb and steam for hours and can't find anything! Suggestions anyone? 7499275
  15. I believe I saw it in the Junkyard... Got moved due to being released I think.
  16. Now this is something I have been looking for! Very useful especially when you don't want to have debris landing on another ship on Kerbin Thanks for the release!
  17. Only thing I can really tell you is, the suit color shows the Kerbals experience which is why Jeb, Bill and Bob have orange suits to show they are veterns. I'm guessing that if you can land a Kerbal many times safely (probably later in career mode) his suit will change to orange as well. Maybe even we will get a new suit in career mode meaning legendary for example? Something to think about.
  18. I really don't know, I'm waiting for the patches .21.1 and .21.2 to come out assuming its like .20 when it came out. Once patches are released I will then end up updating.
  19. Congrats on the landing. If your confused I can try to clear it up. You've been to the Mun, now to start going to other planets, I've seen people use a large rocket to get into Kerbins orbit, at the top have beams or girders that are connected to decouplers, on each of the decouplers have a probe with an ant engine.
  20. I'm going to post this in the Addon Suggestion forum, hold on and I will pm you a link to it.
  21. Exactly, but also to add what you said, be able to watch them launch their rockets from the KSC 2 and if your craft in close enough be able to watch them land. Yes people would end up making torpedoes to try to destroy them but I would like the ability to actually be able to watch the other rival manuever and land and crap like that.
  22. They may not add another "Space program" to race against such as the Soviets and American's but could it be modded in? It would be very difficult but possible? And I don't mean going and blowing up there ships... I mean a cash reward ( once career mode is here ) for getting to the Mun before the other "Nation"
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