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Article Comments posted by regex

  1. 2 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

    Tight springs and dampers were causing phantom oscillations that would cause the gear to do all sorts of goofy stuff.

    Sloppy springs and pillow dampers are causing the gear to do all sorts of goofy stuff.  They were perfect where they were in 1.1.

    2 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

    Now that the root cause has been eliminated (or rather *if*), we should be able to tighten the gear back up again.

    So what you're saying is that they shouldn't have been softened up at all because the update that would fix them was right around the corner?  Good to know.

  2. Just now, Djolox said:

    Anyways, why is everyone so salty?

    Seriously?  Read the thread.  Part of the community might not get the "privilege" of helping test a pre-release version of 1.1 because they're not on a super-convenient-for-an-overworked-Squad distribution platform.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Elway358 said:

    The additional money condition is the one most troubling at this point tbh.

    Okay, but the other conditions still apply.  Rapid release and availability in a distribution channel that is already available and set up.  No extra time crunch burden on people who are already working pretty long hours if my recent conversations have been any indications.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Elway358 said:

    It CAN happen. It's that Squad is CHOOSING for it not to happen that is my issue. there are multiple options that would allow all paying customers to take part in this as laid out throughout this thread.

    I haven't seen any that are remotely sane/use an existing distribution channel that fits the quick release cycle/don't cost additional money.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Elway358 said:

    Of course it doesn't "make me feel any better." I'm not advocating that steam users shouldn't take part in this. I'm advocating that ALL customers who paid for the same product be given the opportunity to take part in it.

    That can't happen, as has been explained many times in this thread.

    Would you rather Squad simply not allow anyone to take part in this?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Elway358 said:

    I'd love to flip the switch in the other direction and have only Squad store purchases be eligible just to see the reaction differences...I don't think anyone has to imagine how it would go.

    If it makes you feel any better I'm not going to take advantage of this opportunity.

  7. 4 minutes ago, richfiles said:

    As I said to the last guy, this is a PRE-release bug/beta test of sorts. Steam offered the infrastructure for the DAILY patch downloads, because people participating in this will be helping find bugs and adapting mods to the mods will be ready right away when 1.1 releases... So no, it's not an "update".

    Can you imagine the DAILY outrage over a PRE-release beta-test version as people tried to download from the store DAILY?  The forums would literally be on fire.

    Seriously, Steam is the only viable way to do something like this.


    12 minutes ago, Hotaru said:

    I don't understand why Squad's own servers apparently can't handle the rush of downloads expected from a 1.1 pre-release, but presumably will be able to handle the (undoubtedly even bigger) rush when the full release is out. What's the difference?

    As noted earlier, it is the sheer volume of potential early access releases, meaning bug fix versions, not just a single "CHECK THIS OUT STEAM BRUH" release.  Squad is probably banking on the ten users from their Steam userbase that will find some obscure bugs they can fix.


  9. 2 minutes ago, tater said:

    Fair enough. If it had only been on steam, I'd never have bought it at all, come to think of it. I had to get steam with E:TW or something, and made a point of never looking at it because I was annoyed at having to connect to steam for a game that was physically in my hands.

    I think I have like, zero games on Steam that require me to have an active internet connection, and many of them don't even require Steam be open.

  10. 3 minutes ago, tater said:

    That was my thought as well, and why I bought from the store.

    If the primary concern of the devs was to squeeze as much cash out of each purchase as possible they would have never released it on Steam.

    Instead they got massive exposure and probably widened their audience by an incredible margin, as well as received top-notch hosting, for what is likely a relatively small take of the profits.  If Steam weren't lucrative for the developer people wouldn't have flooded it with games.

  11. Just now, Jon Turner said:

    I don't think you quite understand. I have the game. Not on steam. I bought it from the KSP store before it was even being thought of as a steam release. Basically if I want to be part of this mass testing that Squad are so happy to announce today, than I'd have to buy the game again....on steam....

    Huh, that's interesting, I bought the game on the store and transitioned to Steam later.  Wonder if that's still an option for you?

  12. Quote

    The pre-release branch will be opt-in via Steam only


    To facilitate discussions of the pre-release branch we’ll be opening up a temporary forum for feedback. Additionally, a separate section will be made available on the bug tracker to report bugs on.

    Available when?  As in, when can I flip over my Steam listing to use the beta?

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