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  1. The best right now would be Intel Core i5 4690K, overclocked to all hell. For price/performance, the Intel Pentium Anniversary Edition G3258 overclocked would be best.
  2. There was a previous thread lurking around that mathematically proved an EVE SSTO without infiniglide was impossible. So there's that...
  3. Fair point, though in science mode having rep there doesn't do anything, I've updated my post anyway.
  4. To avoid this in future, you may want to check out Jebretary
  5. You can calculate the period from the apo/peri and figure out the other stuff with this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F5VBOHIjby8NHIkNsXyttFC0X1cSxcnt3l4IHmfHT08/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Might be an idea to look at Jebretary, it keeps all you ships designs so you can go back to it, not helpful now, but for future use.
  7. Land an asteroid, not sure how, but it could be possible
  8. I haven't unlocked them yet in my career, but jets in general seem way OP now, I can get any payload to 150x 35km orbit on jets alone.
  9. I use SSTO Jet+Rocket combos, my basic one cost 90k, the massive go anywhere one is around 550k, but both land on the runway for 100% minus fuel recovery.
  10. I'm at 1 million so far for my Duna Satellite network, 12 satellites for comms and scanning, plus 2 science landers (unmanned), the launch vehicle is 100% landable at KSC after launch though, so I'll get around 500k back for that.
  11. Interesting, so far no one has mentioned jets. I use a just first stage with a Liquid booster for circularisation, I bring the launch vehicle back to the runway once the payload is in orbit. For small missions (Mun, Minmus, satellites) I have a small SSTO Jet+Rocket. Powered landing on jets is tricky, I tend to use the jets to reduce below 10m/s then use a burst of the rocket just before touch down to cushion the landing. Hurrah for 100% recovery. My Duna mission with 12 satellites and 2 landers has an SSTO Launcher, jets are pretty great right now.
  12. Just do it, start up a Thread and get submissions and kgo. You could have a theme each week, one week SSTO, one week pure speed, one week ergonomic (easy to fly), etc. I'd do it but my net is so slow that it takes days to upload a 10min video, even if I precompress it for the tubes.
  13. Amazing work, I would absolutely love to have a mod manager, even though I only use 5 or so. (Right now that is)
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