A Massive SSTO spaceplane designed to carry 3.75m parts into low kerbin orbit. Tested with an 80ton payload and still had enough fuel to make it to the mun and back. The main focus of this design isn't so much about carry weight since a much more streamlined design can probably carry more further, but for carrying bulk. So far no internal cargo bay can fit 3.75m parts and in order to be a fully reusable, the payload in question cannot be structurally integral* (The payload is stucturally integral due to it's own massive weight but the plane can fly with the payload absent just fine) The payload it comes with is a simple refueling canister that can be brought to orbit without using a drop, however, it can be interchanged for all but the largest 3.75m parts. CRAFT file: http://pastebin.com/VWctYKRe This design is made using the following mods: B9 pack Firespitter Farrem Aerospace KSPX KW rocketry TV aerospace None of the parts have been 'hacked' but my KSPX and KW packs are pre 0.20 versions so they may not work Piloting Tips: >Fly using Trim (Alt+WASDQE keys) and avoid SAS. >Steep climb to 15000m hieght then level out. This aircraft won't even break the sound barrier until above this height >A tendency to veer off the runway on takeoff. Use SAS until at the very end of the runway and then pull up hard >A slight unexplained tendency for roll and yaw to drift due to asymetrical design. May take some skill to keep level and nose up >Unusually efficienty intakes from the B9 pack allows this plane to get upto as high as 30000m and as fast as Mach5 without switching to rockets. >Recommended for advanced pilots