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  1. Hey, I'm in Career Mode and I can't get the converter to work - I can mine just fine, but switching on conversion only drains power. The parts are arranged as follows, from top to bottom in one stack: Kethane tank Fuel tank Medium converter Small Drill (radial) Probe core Reaction Wheels Engine So there shouldn't be a fuel routing problem, because the converter is below the fuel tank. Can anyone help?
  2. Possible lines: "Atmospheric braking detected" "Launch" "Orbit achieved" "Orbit broken" "Warning: Terminal velocity approaching" "Warning: Dangerous velocity at low altitude" Et cetera. The sort of thing you could tell from looking at Mechjeb's information panels, but it frees up screen space and gives you one less thing to check visually, plus it adds immersion. Ideally, information that represents the crossing of some sort of barrier.
  3. I know that as a lowly pleb with no programming expertise I have little right to anything, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could add 'Flight Computer' sound effects. Particularly the emergency "Abort, abort, abort" line that was present in Orbiter.
  4. I believe I included that, unless you're talking about KAS (which I doubt, looking at your sig).
  5. Hi there. So you're in space, docking with a station. Maybe for fuel, or maybe for crew, it doesn't matter. But then disaster strikes! Your keyboard burps, and the ship is sent crashing into the station, tearing off half of the solar panels in the process. And, well, that's it. Without power the station will become uncontrollable and drift forever, almost complete but lacking one vital part. And you watch as the thing you put hours into designing and assembling has to be abandoned to rot- ordoesit?! My idea is simple (though difficult to implement, I imagine) - give the Kerbalnauts a welding torch. If -when- Stuff Goes Wrong, you can send up a ship with spare parts (or have them already aboard the station), and a Kerbal can install the part by welding it on. Obviously, there would have to be limitations - you couldn't (for example) install anything bigger than the largest solar panel, but you can detach them. Now, a Kerbal could carry over small fuel tanks or power cells to dead ships - just enough to dock them properly, or burn for re-entry. This would allow for proper rescue missions, as well as lessen the need to destroy ships by the Tracking Station. It also enables cargo missions and the need to judge what parts should be sent up, as well as the ability to upgrade stations over time as more parts become available or to use it for more things.
  6. It actually doesn't sound that much worse than installing an addon, but with more search-and-replace. Trick will be finding the names of the relevent parts.
  7. Update: I was just able to get it into space after removing the drop tank, and replacing it with three smaller ones atop the individual tanks.
  8. I've been thinking about it, but I can't think how - the engines are all of the same type, and I only ever laid a line from one tank/engine to another, using symmetry to copy over to the other two tanks/engines. For the record, the layout is as follows: Drop tank -> individual tanks -> central tank -> engines.
  9. I've already redone the canards - I'm testing now. I, uh, wouldn't know. If this one fails, I'll make a note of its and subsequent failure altitude, but I was tinkering with everything trying to hunt down the cause before, that it likely wouldn't have been consistent anyway. Depends on the part. Minor things like bracers are okay. EDIT: First test over. Fatal tilt began at 4500m, but was present before drop tank separation. Will try to shift mass below orange tank.
  10. In order: The drop tank needs to drain first, then the individual tanks, then the central tank, hence the lines. I put in a separator to try and stop the individual tanks from being drained directly, but that doesn't seem to be working. Atomic. It activates once in space. As I understand it, Asparagus is an exploit. While I appreciate creative licence, Asparagus frankly takes it to ridiculous lengths.
  11. Can anyone tell me why my rocket keeps tipping over once the bottom tank has been dumped? Is it top heavy, or something? I've tried moving the main engines up and down along the body, to no effect. There are also two sets of canards and two sets of reaction wheels (installed after the instability began), as you can see:
  12. But I don't want to be out of date...would it be possible to edit the craft files to use the stock parts instead, and use the new KSPX to fill in the blanks for the ones that aren't integrated?
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