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Everything posted by scibuff

  1. Thank, that's precisely what I was after. My apologies for posting in the wrong forum section, I had about 5 difference sections open and must have hit the "post new thread" in the wrong window. My intention was to post in general discussion. If a mod could move the topic there that would be awesome. Thanks again
  2. Hi guys, I found out KSP just a week ago but have been hooked since then. Watched a lot of tutorials and managed to get some missions going. Now I would like to start doing things like NASA/ESA are doing, e.g. build a kerbal version of the ISS (or a similar large structure station), create a satellite, put it into a cargo hold and deploy on orbit (I don't like the tutorials/videos that just put the sat thing on top of the rocket and have it wobble all the way through the atmosphere - that's not very realistic), go to the moons, planets etc. What would you consider the absolute must have plugin/add-ons for these things? I already have MechJeb and love it (once I figured out how to the the burns I don't wanna spent too much time doing them manually). Thank you
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