Yeah the main issue right now for me is the pathetic lift provided by aerodynamic surfaces. To make any non-micro craft (even a small SSTO) requires an inordinate number of wings, to the point where I often have a hard time finding places to put them (without clipping). The craft comes out looking like a weird hairstyle than a plane. You can judge the lift of a plane by your angle of attack (angle between heading and prograde) in steady flight. As it stands now, the high-TWR is necessary for jets because (without massive numbers of wings) they fly as much like rockets as planes, the larger planes that I make regularly have 20+deg AoA at low altitudes (where the TWR is low because of altitude effects on the engines). EDIT: To be clear, when I say 'massive' numbers of wings, I mean more than the 14 already there... I've started using the procedural wings mod and that helps a little with the aesthetic/partcount issues (though really partcount is rarely an issue for planes because they're typically pretty small), just make a few really big ones and you're in better shape. Though with stock aerodynamics it's still pretty underwhelming.