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Everything posted by shoveycat

  1. Ah, we've got a smart entrepreneur here! I'll get working on some ships soon, and post 'em on here, as I'll mostly be selling files.
  2. *Slicks back hair and does best New York accent* Hey, hey, a war looks like a nice place for a man to make a profit off his quality craft, count me in for this "Black Market" deal! (Assuming i can fix my KSP) You want fighters? We got 'em! You need a troop carrier? Comin' out a' our ears! We've got anything you'd ever need, for the right price, of course. [Disclaimer, Shoveycat is not responsible for any death, injuries, or malfunctions caused by his craft. NO REFUNDS]
  3. Couldn't agree more, im also loving that Segwaying idea for when contracts are released.
  4. I'd assume the entire global economy of Kerbin is based solely of DogeCoin
  5. When you play the game of thrones, do you win, or do you die?
  6. I also forgot to mention in my last post, I've got a sneaking suspicion that i live in the same town as Novasilsko....
  7. Indeed they do, but i've known this to be a remarkably responsive forum
  8. I can space three times Can bears get a pilots license?
  9. Ive recently been having a bit of an issue with my Mount and Blade save, i started noticing that after a while, my character's strength level dropped from 16, all the way to 10, and their agility from 1 to 0. if anyone know whether this is an intended feature, or a bug please let me know. I also feel i should mention that i am using the Game of Thrones "A Clash Of Kings" mod.
  10. I hail from the state in the US where the only remarkable things about it are its exceptionally, unbelievably high murder rate and that it looks like a mitten. Michigan: You're doing it wrong (Someone trademark that)
  11. Launch however you want, but the score is the distance from the separation point of the thrust producing body and the final resting point of the pole.
  12. Hey, i threw a pole and thought of 2 things This looks like Caber Toss This would make a great challnge
  13. Hmm, survivability would be necessary for measuring distance, so illl make that a rule, but if the launcher cant leave the runway, that crosses out a whole myriad of possibilities, after all, the distance is measured AFTER it ejects from any thrust producing body
  14. At least a single I-Beam must survive, otherwise you dont know the distance I'm having some problems measuring larger distances, would anyone have some ideas? There got to be some ways, I'm almost considering moving this to spacecraft exchange as "Show off your best stuff throwers" By the way, thanks for all the feedback, guys! you know, there are other ways to launch things other than cannons, the objective is creativity, after all Edit for Smidge: The launcher can, and is encouraged to move, by manned, i mean the base that is propelling the beam must have a kerbal that survives, and the projectile i launched in the screenshot were the long ski-like things
  15. Is an escape trajectory not an orbit it the nest largest body? Besides, you're kind of avoiding the point of the challenge...
  16. The off the runway thing was an enormous oversight on my part, once its off the runway, simply measure it in kilometers. i should note that there is no rule against rockets, as long as you can tell the point of separation. I might also note that once you stop using balistic trajectories inside the atmosphere the concept of distance is kind of negligible, to, i add one more rule The I-Beam must not enter a stable orbit EDIT: One last thing, beam doesnt need to stay intact, as only a single beam is necessary. I also figure a point system would be an order, each meter is one point, and each extra I-Beam adds 1/4 of the original score. If you have any suggestions to improve it please say so.
  17. Also known as "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Rocket"
  18. The goal of the Kaber Toss challenge is to be the person to toss an I-Beam as far and as creatively as you can, whether it be through mass drivers, slings, catapults, or a good 'ol rocket. Scoring system works like this, each meter is 1 point, and each additional I-Beam launch adds 1/4 of the original score, when launchnig more that one I-Beam, the multi-beam beam must stay in one piece, not break Rule 1: Launcher must be manned, and kerbal must survive Rule 2: Distance is measured in the central lines of the runway Rule 3: The scoring distance is the distance between the point of separation and the I-Beams final resting point Rule 4: I-Beam must never enter a stable orbit Rule 5: At least 1 I-Beam must survive, for measuring purposes First Place - Second Place - Third Place - Resting Position Halfway through Point of separation Final Distance
  19. I've always wondered why radial intakes are so buoyant
  20. Even if it works out the front? I remember it not working on my last computer, either, so its probably not that
  21. No other headsets work when plugged into back, and they are enabled, as they work in the from panel. If you could use a bit more information:
  22. After realizing the danger of having an easily step-onable setup with my headset plugged into the front jacks, i tried to plug them into the back, but for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to work, any ideas?
  23. "*****" I say as i realize i forgot the fuel lines
  24. When i saw it flying, i couldnt help but think of a combination of Old West music and the Airwolf theme Also, you could probably lighten the train by removing the fuel from the tanks
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