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Everything posted by shoveycat

  1. It was definitely the Control Tower at the Island Runway, i remember that stream
  2. Entirely doable, however of dubious ease and practicality
  3. How could i expect NOT to be shown up by Scott Manley. Guess im going to Duna, goodbye week!
  4. Just what it says on the tin, an orbital rocket, only using solid rocket boosters, you should be able to fly it no problem, but Step 1. Fire vertical until 10000 m, then turn 45 degrees east, decouple as needed (I know its not the most efficient, but it more than works) Step 2. Burn the rest of the second stage and the entire third stage , apoaps should be a bit over 100000 m Step. 3 Burns last Med. size SRB to circularize orbit Step 4. Enjoy orbit Step 5. Point retrograde and fire deorbit burn rockets, capsule land as usual Piloted by the man himself http://www./download/2a8xlb92df90c9q/SRB%27s+To+Orbit.craft
  5. Ooh, that is nice, how did you do the pivot system?
  6. I think this is literally the best thing i've ever seen out of anything ever. Ever.
  7. Ive always loved building a big 'ol jet end exploring the mountains and rivers of the main continent
  8. The 2 things im really, REALLY looking forward to are better aerodynamics and an asteroid belt
  9. You think bugs are bad? Are 200+ year old school has a rat infestation...
  10. The difference between Day Z and an MMO shooter is the people, you forge alliances, build HQs, skirmish with other groups, much, MUCH more depth, however it does take a while to get into. I'd not assume that's an issue for a KSP player, however.
  11. Ive already got for Arma, no reason to buy a standalone
  12. Cornelia, of course! House of such great and creatively names Generals Publius Cornelius, Publius Cornelius Scipio, Publious Cornelius Scipio II, and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus!
  13. "We choose not to go to the Moon in this decade and do other things, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. How about Canada, instead?" -JFK's Cautious cousin
  14. Click on settings in the top right corner, then, on the leftahand side of the page around halfway down, there should be something called "Edit signature", click it and you can type anything you want or post an image URL
  15. Holy Jeebus, that thing looks awesome, also, i like the cabin design, it gives it fantastic Kerbal carrying capacity for the size
  16. I think thats the exact area where i set up my base (!)
  17. Pff, parachutes, i prefer to use the Sky Lance method
  18. Hmmm, i'd never expect that EXACTLY WHAT RANDAL/DANNY WOULD WANT US TO
  19. You dont get C:\ksp_win\ksp.exe if you use Steam for the target, instead you get "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Launcher.exe"
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