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Posts posted by Krisism

  1. Is it possible to use kethane's mining tool to mine the Extraplanetary launchpads ore with some kind of cfg edit?

    Yup, this is what I've done with the small external kethane drill too. Add this code:

    (edit: I used this to make a separate part for ore drilling, if you're combining them into one drill then you only need the added RESOURCE bit as skycooler adds below)



    name = KethaneExtractor

    PowerConsumption = 5



    Name = Ore

    Rate = 0.01





    name = KethaneExtractorAnimatorLanded


    Replacing the 'Rate' with whatever is inline with your process.

  2. If the new craft is sufficiently far away, the old craft will not rotate at all, because the game does not process physics for far-off objects in orbit. If it's nearby enough for rotation to be possible, I think the SAS will remain turned on.

    I don't know if you've tried it yet, but you can use flight computer commands even when the probe is out of range, so long as you gave the command while it was in range. For example, if you need to burn on the dark side of the Mun, enter your burn time while you're still in contact, and enter the time it will take to reach the point you need to burn at. Once you confirm the command, it will be executed even if you later lose contact.

    I still need to play with the capabilities more, like learning how to remotely do a burn or something on another vessel, or giving a command (If thats possible; or just learn to utilize delays). So far I've been flying all my satellites, but making good use of the flight computer for accurate burns :D Thanks for the tips, can't wait to try it - but sleep is beckoning :(

  3. I have an issue.

    I made a Space Shuttle with a cargo bay and a Remote Tech satelitte inside it. When it's time to launch, I can't control the shuttle no matter how many times I click on the pod and select "Control from here". I made the shuttle before making the satelite.

    I'm brand new, but my guess is that your parent ship doesn't have any antennae to receive a command signal after they're separated. Just a guess!

  4. Awesome, thank you for the tips. I haven't used mechjeb before so this is totally new, but I love the computer aspect. It's already helping me hit those markers spot on and saving my back and eyes from hunching in to the screen :P. It's realistic too, as long as you have a signal from mission control (or any signal with accurate telemetry data), you should be able to execute those kind of precision commands using a flight computer.

    One more quick question, I tried searching the thread but didn't see anything:

    If your ship/probe is in orbit and you had set it to an anti-normal heading, then kill rotation - then you switch to another nearby ship/probe, will the first ship maintain it's killrotation command? (Not sure if it loads in within the 2.5km range).

    Thanks! (Loving this mod by the way, already have two satellites in orbit, one geosynchronously over KSP and the other in a similar size polar orbit.)

  5. Personally for me, the bigger the better. A 2m and 5m would be good for small utility things, but most of what I've wanted this for are large sliding parts. Cranes, sliding doors on hangar bays, giant extendable space observatory! The bigger the better as it means less parts to replicate. I will be happy with whatever you create!


    As for width - that's less important to me whereas breaking point/strength is more important. I suppose a thicker/wider rail does make for a more realistic case when talking about sturdiness though.

  6. You've also got to think about the fact that this is space mining, not earth mining. Technology would be much more advanced likely - or at least futuristic looking :P I've been using the spherical fuel tanks for my storage of all ore/metal/parts and it's been working great. The visual color differences are nice too, as you can see the 'process' in action. (For the sphere tanks I'm using the stock skin for ore, oxygen skin for metal, and white skin for parts - with the rimmed versions of each skin used for processing relative materials.) I'll make an imgur account one day.

  7. @RKHVTC, check the posts around here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/16347-0-20-RemoteTech-Relay-Network-%E2%80%93-V-0-5-0-1?p=438742&viewfull=1#post438742

    ClipH is doing a complete rewrite which may not be backwards compatible. Since the release seemed to be relatively soon, I opted to wait - but this looks like such a nice addition that I'm wondering now if it's worth waiting for the update.

    (edit: cliph does mention actually that he could use a python script for compatibility - I missed that before, but it makes a good case to try it now :P).

  8. I know you're never supposed to ask about release dates, but I am curious if RemoteTech is worth installing and setting up an interplanetary sat network (if you are just going to start it now)?

    Or is it worth waiting until the next release and doing it then? My understanding is that the next release will be a complete reset.

    This looks like an awesome mod that adds so much depth to the gameplay, looking forward to playing with it! I've been creeping this forum thread for a while now watching updates :P

  9. Here just to say finally trying this out. Having a lot of fun trying to scan Kerbin without using any satellites (though I did use one to detect a tiny bit of Kethane on the far side of Kerbin to check it was working properly, then shut the satellite down) Not found anything near KSC yet, but its a neat feeling to be prospecting for something interesting. Covered about half the starting continent now, yet funnily enough not found anything yet lol.

    Still after just how much I've played today, I think I'm starting to get what the big deal about resources was.

    So your going to start making people mine rubber and process into wheels now right? (JK!) Resources are fun though :P I think they add a very much needed depth element at this point, especially if you are using them to assist with something big. It also gives a bit more 'purpose' to what you're doing - something that KSP definitively lacks in the current sandbox mode.


    Also, quick suggestion for a future version. It would be really cool to be able to 'tag' a hex on the map overlay -used for marking a spot you like or want to land at. Maybe using a bright colour or something.

  10. Majiir, the scans look awesome! I can't wait :D It looks very polished, really adding what feels like a core game UI.

    As for the showing multiple scans/resources at once. That's a tricky problem and it's cool to know a bit more of the challenges, which you mentioned. In previous posts you mentioned a UI that showed up on mouse click in the bottom right corner. Would you be able to show easily in that info window the different resources at that hex location? (If you haven't already done it). Personally, that would be more than enough to satisfy my hunger for multiple resource crossover. It would allow players to visually toggle to get an approximation on the main map, then click hex's to confirm multiple resource locations. A slightly different solution, but maybe an easier way than dealing with additional vertices or merged colours that still satisfies most demand.


  11. A slider! Hooray! I've tried to mimic the functionality of one of those so many times with crude winch/rotatron/wheel contraptions - but collision is not friendly to me :P

    Very excited for your next updates :) So happy you and Devo are working together on DR, as the moving parts adds such a huge depth to the builds you can make.

    Your washers worked very well too by the way, I love the slim design. Would you consider adding a similar free-rotating version in your next update? Thanks!

  12. I was thinking about an idea the other day and wondering if someone with more knowledge can help me understand if this is even possible.

    Basically, I love the whole challenges thread and think community challenges are an awesome way to amp people up over this game and keep them interested. So, to continue with that idea - what about having a part you can add to a vessel which will actually record information about flight status/position/ect. This part would have a tiny GUI that pops up at the beginning and end of a flight, allowing users to select a challenge (which will then give the part a set of variables to record), or to submit the flight data respectively.

    The flight data/variables would then need to be pushed into a script somehow. I can figure it out past that (as I work with web development) - but before that I have no clue what is possible. It would also be important have the ability to update the challenges (shown at flight beginning) - so that someone could just click 'update' and it will look in another online file to download a log of active challenges (and maybe the top 3 leaders too).

    I know there is a lot too it - but mainly the issue I have no clue about is the read/write to online file during gameplay. Any help or just feedback on the idea is appreciated. Thanks!

  13. Hey, is there anyway possible to get the total weight of RocketParts containers when they are 100% filled? I'm having trouble trying to find the right capsule that my rover's wheels won't break due to the extreme weight, yet will hold a lot of RocketParts.

    Do you know what your resource 'density' is for RocketParts? I think default was 1, which means 1 ton per unit. In that case, it's really easy math - just add your capacity up so that you know how much it will add on to your weight. Then just add to the dry mass.

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