So, I wanted to start out really simple, but do something fun. So I put together three rockets with one of those 1-to-3 thingymajigs at the top. I used those long solid fuel ones. Then I put on some separator thingies, and another set of long rockets. Then I put on a bunch of smaller solid fuel rockets, and sidemounted them with three more. So my takeoff is with 6 small solid fuel rockets, then I jettison those and start three long ones, and then a final stage with three more. Problem is, this thing is falling apart. On the starting platform, it's all jiggly. And once in the air, there is sort of a pendulum effect and the rockets aren't attached to eachother so usually there's just a large BOOM at some point. Even with my structural instability, I did at one point manage to get so high speed that my nose cone started glowing red from atmospheric friction. Just what I wanted! But it is currently more based on luck than anything else. Also, it's nigh impossible to steer this long thing, but I guess I can figure out the steering myself eventually. What I need to know is how to tie those long rockets together. I want to keep them tight together like that, 3 of them, but so that they don't jiggle away from eachother. I want one single really long rocket, that acts as if it's solid. How do I add that structural integrity?