Okay, so brand new here.. Just finding out what explodes and what strands Jeb out past the Mun (answers: too many rockets and hitting space bar too soon). I see a lot of notes talking about "well I accomplished this with this mod/plugin" and then I see "I was able to do this legit", etc. What I'm curious to know, from you, the wonderful Kerbal community, is what plugins should I be looking for to get the most out of my gameplay? I am reading a couple of Mission Logs and see things like SatMapping technology, which seems cool, and then something like MechJeb, which people seem to either love or hate. I'd like to play the game as it was intended to be played (albeit changing through the constant updates) while also getting the best value for someone who isn't the most scientifically-inclined. The Plugin Essentials Pack seems to be a strong selling point, but again, I don't want to make it so easy that I just click buttons, as I enjoy learning that not attaching fuel lines and silver tanks makes orange tanks go KABOOM. Any thoughts on all of this? I hope I made sense; I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment with the game and have been timid to dive right in without the proper tools. Although, I did my make my flag already http://sdrv.ms/1atXqre