Hey there. I'm one of the deluge of people checking this out cause of Mr.Manley video. Looks like a great mod, and I'm excited to give it a go! Unfortunately, I immediately encountered gamebreaking bugs that I haven't been able to overcome so far. At this point I haven't even made it past the menus of this mod because any sub-menu that I open is oversized and unclickable, in some cases even persisting after reloading the save. The example that I first encountered was when trying to accept my first mission. I could click on the mission, but the accept button was slightly (not completely) off the bottom of the screen. When I clicked it the window would "wobble" up and down as it tried to adjust to fit the screen. In any case, I cannot click accept as it is unresponsive, and any attempt to interact with the window just makes it jump up and down the Y-axis again. After this begins the window can't be interacted with in anyway, and I can't close it without restarting KSP completely. After doing a bit of perusing the forums I found a couple of similar issues that seemed to have been cleared up in previous patches, but I failed to find anyone who had the exact issue that I am having. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!