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Everything posted by KeithStone

  1. Is this an RP thing or is there a way to have an action group activate based on some kind of external stimulus that I never knew about (like reaching a certain depth)?
  2. The last (for now) of the live-narration episodes in the form of is up. There were a lot of distractions in this one, so I apologize in advance for the added screen-wipes.
  3. Love lazy saturdays! is up as well. I had a heck of a time editing it as there were quite a few pauses and interuptions, so I'm moving to post-commentary in the future (about halfway through ep 4 I make the switch). So far, not a complete failure, but my has it come close...
  4. I would be a lot better at docking if I could set up the D-pad for docking maneuvers, but as it stands setting up an entire xbox control for rovers, flight, docking, and all of the other odds and ends buttons like cameras etc is just such a pain. I think it took me somewhere near an hour last time I did it on the other machine to get everything worked out right. Hell, i'd prolly fly almost all my missions if I had it set up, but for now, I just want to get to Duna!!!!
  5. Every time i finish making something you release just what i needed! well, i'll just have to incorporate it in to future designs. You sir, win a bazillion internets in my book
  6. I love the cheat sheet, I wasnt aware it actually took LESS deltav to get to minimus, i thought it was simply more efficient for takeoff. Regardless, I'm sticking to my mun plan, and as soon as I get the video edited you can see why I knew I might as well name this base calamity....didnt even get to dock the first crafts together before it held up to its name...
  7. Well, in a fortunate for testing and not for the mission series of events, I have just about 300 m/s LESS delta-v than I need to land on the mun and mine with the kethane miner. With all of my calculating for duna, I neglected to do any OTHER delta-v calculations and merely assumed it would work. I think I can squeeze enough fuel up by slightly loading a couple of the other launches that I had planned to launch empty, but I'm not sure how it will affect my ability to get back and forth to the mun enough to actually fill all of the tank's I'll need to fill.
  8. If all else fails you could start a test game, sack i8 kerbals in a couple of cans, then some oxy and a recycler, sit on the launch pad and 10k warp yntil they pass out. That'll show ya how long they last.
  9. Tempting fate, or reverse jinx eh? And I more or less lucked in to the rover balance. I couldn't fit two in a pod without rapid physics deterioration, so I angled it. The mass is SLIGHTLY off center, so the top one is rotated 180 but they land fine. The hardest bit is getting the off the platform once landed without breaking anything.
  10. AND SO IT BEGINS! Duna Base Calamity! Write-up can be found HERE First official flights have yet to be flown, but everything is prepped 'an ready! Unfortunately, terraforming wont begin until at the very least the second transfer, but maybe not even until the 3rd. I'm trying to flesh everything out so that once I'm running I'll have a rather robust Duna program running. I also will need to take a break soon to work on some art, which may also include me finally getting around to making my sig and a flag... Also, I haven't calculated score yet. It's a little late for me.
  11. Hello Everyone Keithstone Kerman of Keithstone Mining corp here to finally kick off my entry in to the Duna Permanent Architecture Challenge! It's been a VERY long road of planning, wiping saves, engineering, waiting on .21, buying a new pc, working overtime, and more, but I've finally got the first 500 days fully planned, which means I can start the challenge! First and foremost, a few things of note: This mission report follows the rules of the Duna Permanent Architecture Challenge. Further details can be found here. Thanks Sturmstiger for such an amazing challenge write-up. Without you, I may not have had nearly as much fun playing Kerbal these last couple of months. I'm not going for a high score. For me, this challenge is for fun, and for the, well, challenge of planning and engineering. I find those to be the most fun parts of the game for myself anyway. I'm a terrible pilot (but I'm honest) and MechJeb will be doing a fair bit of my work for me. I prefer to engineer things after all. I'll stay back and watch everything on video while the professionals do all the flying. I mean, that's why I have an entire space center after all.... This base will likely continue past the 1000 day mark of the challenge. I have some big plans on making a large base with plenty of fluffy (seemingly) useless bits that may require some imagination to work properly. The list of mods used can be found at the bottom of this first post. Now that that's all out of the way, on to the first image album, of all of the launches that will be used in the first 500 days of the mission. As I get flights in I will continue to document with photos, and once base building begins I plan on supplementing with some video clips as well. Now, Pictures! (Sorry for the framerate captures, still getting used to screen cap software) And the first 500 days mission plan! Mods Used: MechJeb Protractor Kerbal Engineer Aies Aerospace AviationLights FusTeck Station Parts HOME KAS Kerbal Alarm Clock Kethane Lackluster Labs MagicSmoke Industries Infernal Robotics Dromoman's Robotic Arm parts NovaPunch2 PartCatalog Rubberband Tracks Subassembly Manager Lethal Dose's Large Structural Components pack I think that's all of them, for now.
  12. So, slight snag, I forgot that my second transfer of crew arrived BEFORE my first crew left, and that leaves me with double the kerbals on duna and not enough supplies....this is gonna take a bit to work out since it totally throws off my second set of launches...DOH
  13. After an absolutely ridiculous amount of building, testing, and more testing, I'm nearly ready to actually start FLYING this mission! I hope to be able to start tomorrow, if RL doesn't get in the way. I'll document large portions of the more interesting bits via video, but more importantly, I've decided to..... TERRAFORM DUNA! Or at least a small portion of it. I decided that this needed to be more than just a science expedition. After all, I wasnt going for a high score, or an efficient score, just running this mission by the rules is hard enough! Ok ok, so I decided that after getting bogged down doing a ton of building and testing of some boring bits that I needed a break, and that break ended up being just more designing, which led to some pretty neat uses for some parts that I dont all too often use. I have to get back to finishing up my first 500 day mission report, then the long haul of getting these birds in the air begins!
  14. I love the number of truly original ideas coming forth from this challenge. No two alike! Even the jet rover is a novel idea, regardless of rules status, i feel it gets an honorable mention. I would love to see something like the ballista/catapault work....hmmmm
  15. Heh, i started a transformer once...rover mode...then robot mode!
  16. *jumps to the first page, then back* GAH! You tease! *paces frantically mumbling "its almost here"*
  17. I see them now, I just got the new HOME pack but havent messed with it much yet. Might have to try to make some use out of em.
  18. Very nice! But yeah, I'm a little sad that I wont have hinges before bed on my only day off this week too Oh well, plenty of other kerbal-y projects to work on anyway!
  19. Not using an autorefresher, but right there with ya. I'm awaiting these to be able to go back to work on the duna colony challenge.
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