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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I really need someone to clarify something here for me regarding Tractor Beams because I cannot find a clear tutorial or instructions to figure out how they work. Let me first describe what I think a "tractor beam" is: A beam that "grabs" a hold of an object. The towed object can be extended out or retracted in. The object will move in relation to the "tugboat". The object's docking port can be docked with another docking port, such as a space station. When an object has docked onto a port, the beam can be deactivated to release it. This beam could also be used to capture items within a certain distance by drawing them closer, such as when rockets/RCS is unavailable. So, is this what the magenta lasor beam can do? Any explanation is greatly appreciated. I just don't want to put a dock on every object I want to move around, nor do I want to have to fiddle around with a robotic arm. Can anyone offer any advice?
  2. Sorry, that wasn't too clear of an explanation (grammar?), even if I am willing to edit the config file. This I can sink my teeth into. I too would rather not edit config files too much! Thanks!
  3. Just wanted to say to those that cannot get the other vehicles to work: Don't forget to encapsulate the part config with PART { <part config> }. I was able to get the MK2 Pretorian to load without issue. Between that bad boy and the MK5 Ant, I have quite the workforce!
  4. I am building a space station with a central core and am attaching 4 horizontal modules to 1 vertical module. No problems there. When I try to add another vertical module to the horizontal module, it won't connect. I have tried flipping/rotating the modules to no avail. I have even went as far as allowing clipping (debug), but still can't get them to stick. Can anyone offer some advice or what I can do to fix this?
  5. Is there any way to move the tab on the side down a bit? I find that MechJeb2 overlaps directly on top of it. Thanks.
  6. The romfarer.dll file for addons is the same as the one in the Lazor System itself. How does reinstalling it help? Clearly the mod is working (activate, change color buttons, also I see the settings on the space center view), but no windows. *edit * I just uninstalled ALL mods except for Lazor mods and the windows came back, but they STILL do not have any skin/texture behind them. What is going on with this mod? * edit 2 * I fixed the problem. I re-verified the game cache via Steam after pulling all mods out. Then I installed all mods via KSP Mod Admin and now everything is peachy! (If anyone is having this problem, I recommend KSP Mod Admin over other installation methods, like KSP Mod Manager.)
  7. I just updated the Lazor System to v30 from v29 and now I don't get any popup windows (worked in v29 but the window skins were missing). Is there something else I should be doing? Thanks. Mods installed: - Aviation Lights - KAS - FusTek - MechJeb2 - NovaPunch2 - QuantumStruts - CrewManifest - Flags - Romfarer Lazor System - Romfarer Lazor Guided Weapons - Romfarer HSTW Sunbeam - Romfarer RoboticArmsPack
  8. I have just started playing with Blender and find it is a lot more versatile and user-friendly than Wings. Thanks!
  9. I have taken a look at possibly coming up with a few custom parts, so I wanted to try my hand at it (especially as I am quite versatile in Photoshop so textures will not be an issue). I have looked at Wings 3D and Blender so far (since they are free), so I will probably use one of the two. I have gotten to UV unwrapping a donut/torus in Wings 3D with... unexpected results (shapes were either distorted or unorganized). I understand the concept, I just don't understand why it is coming out a mess. What program will work better for KSP part building? Any tips, suggestions and comments very much appreciated. Thanks! *edit* - I just realized I posted in the wrong section. Can a moderator please move this to the modeling section? Thanks!
  10. Got it working. Seems that KSP Mod Manager was installing it wrong. I was manually dumping the files into their individual folders and not in the GameData directory. Thanks!
  11. I have tried installing this both using KSP Mod Manager and manually, yet I only get the Red Beaconlight. Any clue why the rest aren't showing up?
  12. I am having the same issue. It looks like the skin is missing (see pictures in the OP).
  13. I have seen the game before but didn't pick it up until the Steam sale this past weekend. I can't believe what I was missing!
  14. Story: I have lost Killian McKerban (all my Kerbals start with the letter K) on a trajectory towards Minmus. After some bad course correction, I ended up accidentally burning up his remaining fuel. Hoping that the severely odd orbit he was in would eventually pull him into the SOI of Mun for an emergency RCS landing, I waited a few days of orbiting. Unfortunately, the Mun grabbed him quickly for a slingshot and threw him out of Kerbin's SOI and now he has an orbit which goes around the Sun! I figured that since he was still pretty close to Kerbin that I could send a rescue probe, so I am trying a few designs to bring my buddy back. I have confirmed that starting a build with a capsule, adding a probe with generator, and having the Kerbal EVA on the launchpad to be a solution to sending an unmanned capsule-probe to retrieve Killian. I sure hope this works!
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