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Everything posted by KASASpace

  1. What's 1+(-1)? What's 2+-2? What's 1+2+-2+-1? Now that we went through that, what is all (real) numbers added together? Infinity, which is zero.
  2. MY claim? Photons have mass. It's possible Einstein was wrong, like EVERY, OTHER, THEORY. And the math of Einstein in that equation is complete and utter bull.
  3. Nor divide by zero. Anything times zero = zero. Unless you "say" infinity. But infinity is zero. As all numbers added are zero. Zero is everything.
  4. That still doesn't explain how he got his equations. And it could be caused by YET another theory. It's happened before, and WILL happen again.
  5. I would call the X-37b a "rebirth" of the X-20.
  6. So, some theory that has "proof" in the form of smidges is widely accepted? Explain, please. And you can't multiply anything by zero to get the numerator in such a situation.
  7. Please cite your sources, otherwise I will not accept any of these (save those proven)
  8. Like, how it works today? NASA designs the rockets, sure. But contractors build them. So, maybe, if the KASA space program bought a Kerbal-X after we unlocked all the parts, then strapped on some science, I could land on some place?
  9. Well, it jsut happens that "V/C" looks like "V and C" and would thus screw up everything you're trying to prove. Then I correlated it with the equation. Now, where'd he get the one? BTW, do you know what undefined is? Where'd you get your math taught?
  10. Wait, wait wait. You can't say it's one then 300000000. Two variables can't equal each other. And anything divided by zero is undefined (as in, cannot be anything), not zero. I'm fairly mathematical.
  11. so, you're saying Einstein WAS an idiot This defies BASIC mathematical laws, such as "you can't have one variable equal another" which is taugt in just about EVERY SINGLE ALGEBRA CLASS. And BTW, You never read my edits, so why should I read yours? Plus, V/C = 1. That's very assumptive on what it is. What if it's 2? How did Einstein figure it out?
  12. Or a series of minigames, like a mun landing, an orbital flight, and kraken bombardment
  13. What's the distance of that photo? Because the angular (annular?) distances between those objects appears to be in the parsecs.
  14. Who made that formula? And it's useless without any variable declarations.
  15. Any proof of the warping of space-time? You can't just pull an Einstein (IE say Quantum Entanglement is like a pair of gloves, etc.)
  16. Sure? 200 Mw for protons to near light speed. 1 atomic mass. 1 thousandth of that, and it's clear what would be needed. Want a source? http://home.web.cern.ch/about/engineering/powering-cern
  17. That's impossible to answer. As we don't know the mass of the photon. The real question would be how much energy does it take to shoot sub-atomic particles at near-light speeds?
  18. Well, then. Why do most theories of black holes involve the sucking in of light. "that witch no life escapes, that which no LIGHT escapes" -PHB So, why would it have no mass?
  19. Umm, absorb means take in, block means stop it in its tracks (at least that's the basics). Ever here of the poles? Well, that's a disadvantage to me and an advantage, because I get protection from lasers (to an extent) and protection from missiles given that they would be placed on the poles.
  20. Photons are expelled with such tremendous force, and are extremely light (less than 1000th and atomic mass) but not zero.
  21. Did you even see the active cooling portion? Forces, some, are caused by change in momentum. However, in order for a particle to push on other particles, it has to have mass, as it is slowed down by the atmosphere, and thus has inertia, a property of something called mass
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