I managed to put together my first "Apollo style" Mün landing. It is such a thrill to have everything work out as expected, specially for someone who keeps struggling with rocket building. The rocket performed well enough although I should have a third stage in it, so as to avoid wasting fuel from my service and lander modules. The dockings went pretty good, I even had to dock more times than planned because when I detached from the service module, I realized it was better to undock while it was behind the SM, since it was supposed to then start burning retrograde, so I docked again, turned around, and detached once again. Everything went silk smooth up until the reinsertion burn, which was only possible thanks to my copious amounts of monopropellant, otherwise my trustworthy 3 man crew would be stranded around Kerbin on an elliptical orbit with a Pe in excess of 3,000,000mts.