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Everything posted by Devinci

  1. Sounds cool but it's not stock, Can you make different kinds of weapon using stock only?
  2. OK, thanks for the suggestions I will change it to two SSTO. But the other requirements seemed logical to me as you would have to able to refuel the SSTOs.
  3. The Kerbal Scientists have observed an anomaly inbound for Kerbal system in about 500 days. After much analysis it appears that the observations revealed an inbound spaceship of some sort. To avoid a fatal end to the Kerbals, the government decided to provide funds to raise a space defense force for preventive measures. For that purpose you have been nominated to design and launch a Defense Space Program that will go as follow: -You need to build a space carrier capable of storing 4 SSTO’s. The SSTO’s must not be visible from the external viewpoint (except for one side (to be considered as the doors, you can use solar panels for that). -You need the following resources to be available in your space carrier: * Liquid Fuel:7000 *Oxidizer: 7000 *Monopropellant: 2000 *Electric Charge: 5000 *Jet Fuel (Liquid Fuel): 2000 *Crew Capacity: 10 or more *Spacecraft: 2 SSTOs *Docking Ports: 5 (includes those for the SSTOs) *Shuttle: 1 (for crew transport) *Escape Pods: 3 (1 or more crew each) *Weapons: 10 Missiles (Of your own creation: Has to be able to destroy 1 orange tank) -Other requirements: * Less than 25 launch *No Mods/ Stock Only (Only Mechjeb is allowed) *Orbit circular at 100Km/ Inclination: 45 degrees *Launch and Dock all SSTOs as SSTOs *Entire mission must be completed before 500 days from the first launch (easy right?) *The entire space carrier must be able to leave LKO and orbit at any other planetary body( so plan for more fuel for that purpose, don't use the above!) -Rating You get 100 points for all the basic requirements; +10 for every 50% increase in the above requirements +1 for every 3 screenshot per launch: At the launch pad, above 70 Km, docked or within 100 m of the target. +2 for videos. -10 For every missed requirement Let’s Protect our beloved Kerbals! Current Top 10: Tobmaster: 199 points
  4. Hi everybody, I am new to KSP. I bought the game a week ago on Steam. I've been playing a lot since then. My first goal was to understand the building mechanism of KSP. I have been making a lot of spacecraft just for testing. My latest creation was this space shuttle. It works great but has some minor issues with the decouplers. I am unable to detach the main tank when I want and I don't want to change it to a smaller one. As you can see in this video. Do you have any idea of how to solve the problem? Thanks for your support. Download: http://www./?z5dw904mquh0d4h
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