I'm trying to do it on Eeloo. There's no atmosphere, so a winged design is out. Does anyone have any experience on how accurate the MechJeb auto-landing system is, and whether or not it accounts for rotation etc. and could land someone on a deposit? My experience has been pretty mixed -- one time, it got me down to just eight meters away from my specified landing point. Another time, it was almost ten kilometers off. BTW, I remember reading somewhere that, in future versions, KSP would have interstellar, not just interplanetary, space travel. In that case, it would seem that a base around Eeloo (or whatever planet is the furthest out from Kerbol on future KSP versions) would be pretty useful, since it could act as a final pit stop to refuel spacecraft on their way to targets much further out. Has anyone else heard any information on whether or not interstellar travel will be implemented?