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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Okay, I just grabbed the Kethane mod tonight, and I landed 2 drilling rigs onto a deposit, which when I was done drilling, the scouter said it had about 20,000 units of kethane left. I go back to KSC, send a bigger drilling rig, and suddenly there is nothing there. I know I didn't mine it dry, it just disappeared, and the drills no longer collect any kethane. Any ideas why? E: my orbital scanner's orbit just passed through another previously detected zone, with no hits as well. It seems like my kethane has dissapeared from my kethane mod.
  2. So how exactly does one go about using this. I get from the thread that I am to align the planes, synch the orbits, then rendezvous. What I don\'t get, is how to get output on the Synch orbits menu. I\'ve aligned the planes so that they show 0.00 degrees relative inclination, but I haven\'t found a way to get output from the panel to synch the orbit. I\'ve done a number of rendezvouses (rendesvoui?) manually, but I really don\'t get how do do it with RinComp. Perhaps a guide or video in the OP might help.
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