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Everything posted by willwolvescry

  1. Welcome! Not to break your dreams but unless you have made it to the mun or mimus and make a good sky-crane its not going to end well. Also when the mod developers catch up with .21 you might want to look at getting some mods. It will improve game play experience big time.
  2. Banned for setting fire to the rain.
  4. went Kabooooooooooooooooooooooom when
  5. Floor 347: Laws of known physics reapply and locks down floor 346 and 348.
  6. President Hoover invented the Hoover Vacuum to pick up money in the White House.
  7. Banned for not having C coding in his sig.
  8. Its elementary my friend. This is an alternate universe that has different laws of physics than the one of Data's there by being the master of his universe. Also its Jimmy Newtron.
  9. With the start of .21 and the fact that it can mean the start of a new it is now the perfect time to show just how safe your program is. This will go on until the next update or until you give up. Check ups every now and then is needed to keep track. Rules: 1.You must play KSP as you normally would. 2.If a kerbal dies, you must place a memorial flag near or on the space center grounds. 3.You can only save kerbals from immanent death by EVAing or keeping them in their pods or seats and hoping for the best. (If in the seat, the seat and kerbal can be ejected with a parachute) 4.You can only add kerbals when: A.Kerbal dies (one recruit for one death) B.You need kerbals or kerbal because there is no available kerbals back home C.You locate an Easter Egg (One recruit for one easter egg) D.A famous kerbal appears (Buzz, Kurt, Scott, ect.) 5.Memorial flag must have the name of the kerbal as the site name and the real life date they died, the place they died, and the mission they died during in the description. 6.You can keep the kerbals you have before you started. 7.Can't raise kerbals from the dead (even as zombies). Scoring is as follows: Kerbals dead divided by kerbals alive then times 100 for your percentage. Its optional but you can do it for each place. Here's images of what I have now: 1 death and 18 living kerbals in the program for a current percentage of 5.556% Have fun!
  10. It looks good but heres the catch. You need to choose between the two which one you want to use. ONce you make that decision its final and you can't make another modification.
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