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Everything posted by leptoon

  1. Again with the force close... This isn't a thread about how to force close the game. This is a thread about a user-friendly option to exit the game from within the confines of the code. I think the developers would agree that a simple exit function is not a bad idea. When "Autosaving..." appears in the corner of my screen, it takes about a second. With a bit of optimization in the save function, this could easily be reduced by 10 or 15%. So, when you click the Exit Game button while in flight, the "Please Wait..." status would just be the autosave function renamed to Please Wait. So it could say something like, "Please wait while saving...". But basically, all the code is there. They just have to tie in the autosave to the exit button and have it close the application after it preforms the autosave. It would be very simple to code. The most complicated part about it is the added GUI element. They would likely have to redesign the pause menu to add an exit game button.
  2. That sounds really simple. A calculation like that would take less than half a second probably, short enough to make the exit button feel instant.
  3. Want more updates? How about investing a few hundred thousand dollars (or a couple million pesos I guess) into the development of the game? Just play it and be happy it exists. If my games fan base started demanding updates more often, I would give them a link to my PayPal donation account. Though as it stands, my games fan base has been waiting for so long that they stopped caring about how long it would take... *sigh*
  4. Excellent. That's half of the issue. The other half involves closing the game from within the active game, during a flight in progress. A quick close option from the pause menu wouldn't be unheard of, it exists in many other games. A quick close option from the space center view would also help those who are either playing in fullscreen mode or don't want to force close an application (any application, I just don't like doing it), or those who don't know that Alt + F4 can be used to close the "top window" (eg. KSP running in fullscreen mode). It just makes sense to have a more easily accessible exit function.
  5. My first reaction was, "oh my god" and then I thought, who is my god exactly? But that's another question for another thread... Anywho, the people that would tag a mock shuttle are the same people that don't believe we went to the moon. Stupid people. I try not to use the words "love" and "hate" lightly. They are, after all, the most extreme point of two extreme emotions. But I must say, this is the kind of thing that motivates me to hate stupidity.
  6. Same thing as above, this is a force close and does not allow the game to preform its exit operations, whatever they may be. Force closing the game can potentially result in corrupt game files or corrupt save files.
  7. Both of those suggestions don't provide a true "exit" from KSP. They forcibly close the game without allowing the game to preform whatever operations it preforms before it closes (eg. autosaving).
  8. Currently, if you're in a flight and want to close KSP, you have to go back to the space center then back to main sub-menu, then back again to the main menu. It would be nice if the game could be closed normally (without using the task manager) from anywhere in the game via the pause menu and an exit game button on the space center GUI.
  9. It would be nice if you would update your mods before putting 0.21 in the thread title.
  10. I think you can divide the distance of the planet by the required ejection velocity to get an ETA.
  11. Very impressive. Simple and efficient. My only suggestion would be to code the generator to prevent some options from displaying together. For example, IF MisDest != GranTor, THEN cond3 = 3daylimit. Or something like that.
  12. Not sure what you said... But that is a mezcal worm, not an Australian endoxyla leucomochla.
  13. Wow I've seen so many incredible rovers on this thread, there's no way I could quote all of them. But oh my wow. Lol
  14. For those who see no correlation, you may not be aware that Squad is based in Mexico. I'm not even a little racist, show me another country that has named an alcoholic drink after a worm.
  15. Okay, for popular reference I used the word tequila. But strictly speaking, the worm would be in a bottle of agave mescal, which is sometimes green. Worms are often depicted in cartoons as being green, even though the majority of them aren't.
  16. Well, after much research and lurking about the forums, and after discovering where Squad is based, I think I've finally determined, once and for all, what Kerbals are made of. Worm guts. (pardon all the damn commas. My god...) Kerbals are the worm from the tequila bottle! It all makes sense now...
  17. Welcome to KSP, you fabulous Austrian mother f****r! I have to say, you've given me a better impression just with a couple sentences and by checking out your Facebook page than most people do when I actually meet them in person.
  18. I haven't played too much, but I can say that once you get into the game, you'll wonder how it confused you in the first place. It's 90% common sense, just gotta get that 10% of actual game knowledge first.
  19. I went to the Mun first because I figured since it was closer, it must be easier to get to and land on. Well I was wrong.
  20. Two words: structural wings. Also, I know you mentioned this, but make sure your center of mass is near the middle of your craft. I had problems with unstable flight when my center of mass was too low.
  21. There's an awesome mod called Crew Manifest. You can use it to remove the crew from your command module but I've never tried launching with no crew, so I'm not sure if that will work. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-1-kerbal-crew-manifest/
  22. Thanks! I just found out about KSP less than a week ago and I've already started building a station and a lunar base.
  23. I am under the impression that your station was doing the harlem shake (LOL! btw) because ASAS was enabled on the station, not because the docking port wouldn't work.
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