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Legendary Emu

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Everything posted by Legendary Emu

  1. Hope station, made with nearly all fustek stuff. I put it in a 70 x 70 orbit for good reasons. Bob doing some science Bob inspecting the panels (one broke off after an engine malfunction) Good view of the station. Took 4 trips to set everything up.
  2. Is there an alternate download for the soviet pack? Spaceport always messes up and I can never open the files.
  3. 1: Improved career mode. 2: Better IVA, I want to move my Kerbals around. Maybe better IVA would mean docking crew transfers. 3: WEATHER. Even if there is only rainy days and cloud movement that would be satisfactory. It would be interesting trying land in a Eve hurricane. Another thing I'd like to see an option for a Kerbal to take his helmet off on planets with oxygen. Jebediah wandering around Laythe without a helmet would be awesome, and it would add extra immersion in picking someone up on Kerbin. Edit: Cities and oil rigs would be another great addition. Just groups of buildings scattered around Kerbin. And roads between them would be nice, too. I'd love to see how many people wouldn't launch rockets into them or lands planes on a main street.
  4. Kind of disappointing that the fairings aren't compatible with FAR.
  5. Why the derp can't I open the zip file? Every time I redownload and try again 7-zip tells me it can't open it. Every single time.
  6. Getting frustrated trying to build a space shuttle type plane. Also is Canadian.
  7. With Vanguards EVA parachutes this would be super handy.
  8. During my first Mun landing after I bought the game, I realized I may not have enough fuel to get my precious Kerbals safely back to Kerbin. For some reason, I stored 8 Oscar B's and Toroidal tanks onto the side of the lander. Once I landed on the ground, I had quite a bit less then half fuel left in my main tanks and I kind of panicked. I turned off some backup mini radial engines because they used too much fuel (I also hate their sound) and lifted off, transferring fuel to the main tanks on the way. Miraculously, I had enough fuel to not only get into orbit, but also do the transfer. By the end of the whole ordeal I had little more than 1 unit of fuel and I was safely on Kerbin.
  9. I play as as builder and modder, maybe a bit realist.
  10. I only get the cockpits, engines and a few other things. I have the sabre engines but no fuel tanks or fuselages appear. HALP
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