KSP Version 1.2.0
Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Win 10
CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant 3070ti i7-11700K
Description of the bug.
Expected Behavior
Base on mun stays in place
Observed Behavior
When I refocus on base, it is clipped thru the floor. When I inspect the save file, the Z position is about -30z from where it was when I landed it.
Steps to Replicate
Land something with lots of parts on the mun, with no lander legs or wheels.
Switch focus to something on a different planet.
Get a coffee
Switch back to the mun base
Is it falling into the Mun?
Fixes / Workarounds (if known..)
Edit save file to force the Z axis value to stay put. It keeps changing! Make a save, replace the Z axis value every time you want to switch back to the base.
Dont land on the mun and expect anything/anyone to survive.
A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window.
No mods
Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)