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Everything posted by Skorpychan

  1. Always include a couple of batteries, three OX-stats (at least), and an SAS module to anything. Even if it's a simple probe. Airbrakes mean you don't need a heatshield all the time. Or a ton of torque to maintain re-entry profile. Every building in the KSC complex has it's own biome. So does KSC. A rover can get all of these very easily. Rocketplanes are bad. Rocket cars are actually very good if designed right.
  2. Yes, and no. Intercept earlier, and do radial burns to alter the PE.
  3. How do you get the fairings to go out and around thing, without having to use parts to get the base that wide?
  4. Minimus for mining and refining. Mun is easier to access, so maybe stick a secondary fuel station there. Since it's not actually refining anything, all you need is a big fuel tank with a rocket to get it there, a probe core, panels, and some batteries. Don't even need RCS on it, unless you're using it as a monoprop depot or you're reusing part of the Minimus design.
  5. In this save, none so far. In 'simulations', Jeb has died over and over. Mostly testing rocket/jet cars, rocket planes, mun landings, and design screwups.
  6. Back up your file onto a memory stick every time you stop playing KSP. Make a habit of it, and of picking up the stick when you leave the house. Like keeping your phone charged and with you, or remembering your keys. Make it a routine.
  7. My suggestion is to cut it down to the information you need. Personally, I LOVE having all the data shown. It feels blunt and clumsy playing KSP between updates and KER updating, and relying only on guesswork.
  8. 'Missing in action' means she's dead. She might respawn.
  9. TBH, I'd like that for every orbit. And arrows for rotational direction, so I can see prograde/retrograde directions at a glance for sorting out insertions.
  10. Electricity is free. Otherwise, Mechjeb has 'rover autopilot' if you don't want to hold W the whole time. There's also the 'ghetto autopilot', which is a small but heavy object placed on the W key. I've used that when Jeb ran out of jetpack fuel a ways out from the rocket, and had to walk back.
  11. They aren't birds. It's a choir of kerbals, because management decided they needed bird noises, but the rockets had scared away/blown up/incinerated all the birds.
  12. Lately: Probe on Eve, with no nukes. Designed and built a miniature rover for Minimus. Then found it still had the same problem the original model did. Discovered that a rover with command chairs won't fit in a cargo bay. A few Mun landings. A minimus satellite to scan for ore.
  13. Anchor for a space station. Use Klaws to stick docking ports to it.
  14. I'm planning to do that in low solar orbit. But I'm planning to cheat, by just arranging all the modules evenly and thrusting it all out of Kerbin SoI together.
  15. Save early, save often. Even if you don't intend to use them.
  16. I'll break it down for you. That's not a viable launcher. Use a LFO stack with thrust vectoring, and maybe some basic fins. Also, why have you got such a big engine on such a tiny craft? An lv-909 would work fine.
  17. It's been solved, but there are general rules to be restated: - LANDER DESIGN. At the very least, a 2.5m tank with legs on the outside. Also, three legs gives the best stability on a slope AS LONG AS you point one leg directly downhill. - PICK YOUR LANDING. You can do this right from the moment you knock yourself out of orbit, if there's no atmosphere to get in the way. Burn retrograde and straight horizontally until your landing path is a vertical plummet. Then you can do your landing burns from there. That's something I learned without KER. I've gotten very good at eyeballing and hovering landers because of some very poor choices. - THE MIDDLE OF A CRATER IS FLAT. No, really. Aim for a crater, adjust from there. - BRING ENOUGH BLOODY FUEL. Redesign the whole mission if you have to. - HAVE A RESCUE CRAFT HANDY. Plenty of DeltaV, a Klaw, and a high-thrust engine. Rendezvous with your stranded craft, smack into it at a few m/s with the Klaw armed, and push it bodily into the orbit you want. Or just use docking ports and a tanker. But that's not a very Kerbal solution, is it?
  18. This: Yesterday, I launched a Munshot. Tried a couple of times to get a landing, failed, shelved it. Today, I went back to it. Couple of tries got me a decent landing. Not quite enough fuel for a return, so it ended up in Munar orbit. So I sent a rescue mission, to rescue it. Plenty of DeltaV. So much, in fact, that the boost/transfer stage still had fuel in it after the rendezvous, and was able to push the whole assembly out of Munar orbit, and down most of the way to Kerbin. Dumped the PE down to about 45K, then released the Munshot and boosted back up to a stable orbit. Then changed to the Munshot and rode it down to a soft landing. NEXT up is the Minimus lander I sent up last weekend, and didn't have enough fuel to return. Maybe with this system, maybe with another, depending on how much DeltaV I need for a rendezvous. Oh, and all this was WITHOUT MECHJEB. Even the rendezvous. For me, that's an accomplishment. Still using it when I unlock the rendezvous helper, though, because I'm lazy and rendezvous is hard to eyeball. And maybe I can redesign the rescue craft. The current lifter goes fine, so I can skimp on a little weight here and there for a little more DeltaV, using the transfer stage for more TWR.
  19. This looks like a job for the modding community, at least until the devs get on with releasing a fix. Could just use the same skins and textures as stock, and just edit the contents and name.
  20. It's the game I've wanted ever since I heard of Orbiter. Otherwise, rocket science isn't my favourite, but it's definitely top 10 of all time. Maybe not top 5, though.
  21. Should also be given a probe core, so you can control it the whole way down.
  22. THAT is actually because of redundancy. If one breaks, you still have four legs for it to be resting on, so it PROBABLY won't tip over. Also, I suggest people read this: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/landing.php Scroll down to 'landing legs' for the relevant bit. Ideally, three is always the most stable for bumpy terrain, or hills with no lateral movement on touchdown. If you didn't get the landing burns quite right, or didn't have time to rotate, three is tippy as hell. Try leaning over on a three-legged stool sometime. I generally use four legs, because there's that little bit of extra stability on landing when you've got lateral velocity to deal with. Also because I use boosters in fours, and it's just plain easier than messing about with trying to make different levels of symmetry work on the same rocket. It's not, however, perfect. My Minimus landing tipped over the other day on touchdown, and I had to right it with pod torque.
  23. KER for data readouts and help with building. MechJeb for rendezvouses, because I really don't have the patience or precision to do them myself. That is literally all I use it for, though, because I can manage the rest just fine.
  24. Just drive it out of docking mode, and disable any pod torque. Otherwise, stick a rocket motor on one end, and fixed landing gear on the bottom. That's what I've done for my KSC exploration vehicle, because rover wheels don't unlock for AGES. And Jeb jumped at the idea of a rocket car.
  25. Not at the 'first mun landing' point in the tech tree, though.
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