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Everything posted by Weegee

  1. Banned for lying. (must have forgot to put it on... I shall investigate this.)
  2. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals into the Kraken's maw. You should bring love to Kerbin through donuts shaped like Kerbals. This won't add chaos to the game revenue because donuts are tasty and bacon is evil. This pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis will affect Eeloo in landings because Jeb cannot sleep without rockets falling apart almost every millisecond. So multiplayer can kick Bill's kerbehind out the planet's atmosphere. Besides, Bill gets extreme G-force when jeb flies on SRBs. Donkey's lick explosive liquid Kolas when they
  3. Banned for thinking I'm not more super... > I found out there was another weegee pretty much as soon as I registered.
  4. Granted, but they fall apart when you put them on. I wish I could rescue my Mun crew (working on it... Jeb is too valuable to leave, obviously. :3)
  5. Banned for being a radioactive eagle.
  6. Wow, thanks for all the advice. I think that should be more than enough to help me rescue them. Thanks to everyone who posted!
  7. Xenon. When I say T what comes to mind?
  8. I'd like to say true, but that's up for debate. The user below me has no clue what my name means.
  9. Thanks for the help so far. I already knew how to pick them up specifically, I just need help making a craft that can return them safely. I've managed this once, but only with a one-man spacecraft (and just barely at that).
  10. My last Mun landing was... less than ideal. I ended up crashing into the ground at about 60 m/s and Bill, Jebediah and Bob are stranded. Does anyone have a method or good tutorial for me so I can try to rescue them? I have tried, but as it turns out I'm not too great at building rockets. Any help would be much appreciated.
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