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Everything posted by simmy2109

  1. New problem.... None of the buttons (save, load, launch) appear to be working. Load does nothing; save appears to do nothing; and launch locks me out of almost every other button in the VAB. Time to dig again... EDIT: So I disabled all mods, problem persisted. Reinstalled completely, still persisted. Deleted the 1 save I had (that I had created today), made a new save, and it suddenly worked. Now I've reenabled all mods and that save still works. Romfarer's docking cam must have screwed my save file over good.
  2. I can confirm that this is being caused by Romfarer Docking Cam. Which seems really weird to me... lol. I have no idea how that is doing it. I suspected it was SAL too.
  3. Having weird issues at the moment here... The command pods have gone wacky in the VAB. Won't let me drag parts off and on like is should be doing. Sometimes is always selects the command pod when I am trying to select something that has previously been dragged off. Trying to get to the bottom of it... It also won't let me sell the command pod either. Hmm... trying to figure which of the supposedly working mods I have running is doing this. EDIT: just realized that it's very similar to the issue OP described in his first post. maybe it's the docking cam then.... EDIT EDIT: I can confirm that the issue is with Romfarer's Docking Cam. This mod is NOT working.
  4. Thanks for keeping this running. It seems that KW Rocketry may be dead now. They're thread has been closed for over a month, and there seem to be problems with it in 0.21. I am going to miss those KW engines... I always like NP better anyways though!
  5. I actually haven't had the opportunity to play. Hopefully tomorrow. I'll be sure to let you know.
  6. Just notifying everyone that R4m0n has put out his official 2.0.9 release of MechJeb for 0.21 compatibility. So hopefully it should all work now.
  7. little worried that r4m0n hasn't been on the forums in almost a month. hope that's not a bad omen! mechjeb is awesome.
  8. Well I haven't exactly crashed yet... But with all my mods I love and Mapsat, I am regularly at 3.6-3.8GB for KSP. That is without too many things in space yet either mind you, and sticking to fairly simple craft. I imagine that when I try to build something with more parts (eg. awesome space station) that I'll die. Not to mention I probably can't load another mod more than I have. I really like this mod, but I can't risk making my save unplayable either. I don't know why ISA is being such a memory hog, but pretty please fix it.
  9. Quick note... I love this mod and all the work that's been done to update it. However, I am looking at being forced to let it go because of the memory issues. Simply put, this mod is using WAY too much memory for any single mod. Given that we are limited to ~4GB by 32-bit KSP code, I'm having a hard time justifying it. I REALLY REALLY like this mod, but I could install a ton of mods with the same memory footprint. Anything you can do to optimize the memory usage would be appreciated.
  10. This mod looks AWESOME. I was just about to use the old FusTek for build a station when I figured I'd see if there was a new version. Then I found all of this! Yay! This is an exciting looking mod to say the least. Read the whole thread here and just want to say something about the texture format issue. For me personally, RAM usage is the MOST important factor for why I might not use a mod that I otherwise love. My computer specs are great, but I seem to be drawn to really big mods that chew up RAM fast. The issue is that ~4GB RAM limit forced by 32-bit (I absolutely hate it and wish they would do a 64-bit since it would make me and my 16GB of RAM quite happy). I don't care about load times one bit. As you experiment with what format to use, I care about what uses the least RAM to avoid those nasty CTD from all my mods. Quick example, the latest ISA Mapsat is using almost 1GB of RAM. That is unacceptable to me. I love the mod, but I'm strongly considering parting with it if that doesn't get fixed soon. I'll definitely give you some feedback on RAM usage when I get some time to install this and play in the next few days. Awesome work!
  11. I think you'd have to be careful to then be able to 'deconstruct' this single part you've created once it is imported somewhere. And if I understand what Undead is saying about how KSP handles the hierarchy of parts once you select it.... would there even be enough information to create the logic needed to put the correct nodes on this single part you create?
  12. No, the manager is run by itself. The old SAL was run by a developer who seems to no longer be developing. This is an independent mod.
  13. Yeah I completely understand how much of a pain (any maybe unavoidable problem) that is. Probably why Squad hasn't shipped any sort of thing like this in-game. Even with that limitation, this is still HUGELY useful. Thanks for SAL 2.0!
  14. Alright. I wonder why that limitation exists and if it could be fixed. I don't think SAL had that limitation, but I could be wrong. And then changes to KSP itself might have made SAL's method broken anyways. Definitely something to look at improving if it can be done. Thanks for the answer though. I understand what to do now.
  15. It's gone because the creator of SAL disappeared completely. Some other people tried to take over his mod and get it back in working order, but Squad shut them down (claiming he had some sort of copywrite ownership over the mod). So the people who wanted to bring that mod back to working order were forced to do it by creating a different mod. Thank you guys! Extremely useful mod
  16. I built it by first starting with the lander command pod. It was the Thor lander pod (from the NovaPunch pack) if that makes a difference. Then I built the lander below it. Above the pod was a single donut fuel tank and a docking port. I saved the lander by dragging it by the command pod to the icon. Saved normally. Loaded normally. But no attachment nodes on the import. Did I do it wrong?
  17. So I saved a lander with a docking port up top and saved it using this mod. It loads fine when I go to my in construction rocket, but I have no attachment nodes at the top of my lander so I can't attach it to anything. It is always redded out. I tried removing a version of the lander without the port, same problem. The nodes just aren't there. Thoughts?
  18. I almost guarantee that's not it. These memory limits (like the memory limits of most all programs) is a software limitation, not an actual hardware one. Mostly stems from limitations of legacy 32-bit code. With even the best coding, 32-bits can only allocate 3, maybe 4GB of RAM for any single process. Not exactly KSP's fault since they build on Unity (which is where the limit comes from). Once software developers can finally start transitioning to code that fully utilizes 64-bit OS, it will be an awesome day for everyone (except people using dinosaur 32-bit OS systems). Apparently it's quite difficult to maintain 32-bit and 64-bit versions of a software (no idea why). Can't wait to start testing for you too!
  19. i haven't heard anything about 0.21 that makes it sound like it would break it. since they have the new (and presumably mostly final) mod system in place, hopefully mod developers won't ever be so impacted again.
  20. I can't even describe how much I miss these parts. Haha. Eager to bug test / stay up way later than I should when you get this finished!
  21. just want to say that I absolutely love your parts and can't wait to have these parts updated again. it's truly my favorite parts pack, right there with KW Rocketry. Keep up the good work!
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