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Everything posted by Biotronic

  1. Hi guys! A bit of an update on my situation: I'm sorry for going AWOL, but I suddenly got a job offer, and started working the day after. With work taking up 42.5 hours a week, another hour lost in traffic each day, and me doing a master's degree part-time in addition, the time I have left over to work on TweakScale has shrunk to almost nothing. I don't think this is terrible (TS is working /fairly/ well), but I'd prefer having more time. There is an update coming, which includes a better scaling system for AttachNodes, written by frencrs. Thanks a lot! I'm not sure when I have the time to do tests and make a new release, so don't hold your breath.
  2. Nope, it's not that. You do have an ungodly amount of NullReferenceExceptions from Clouds.Clouds.Update, which makes me worried. Also, is EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements updated for 24.2? There seems to be discussion of an overhaul. Your Deadly Reentry seems to be out of date. Other mods that I'm not sure are updated, nor whether such an update is necessary: Research Them All Custom Asteroids
  3. Looking at the output_log.txt, I see a lot of this: [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at KWRadBattSmallS, index 0. Node 'ModuleBatteryReliability' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab. Looking for ModuleBatteryReliability in other indices.. ModuleBatteryReliability seems to be from Dang It!. I'll have a look-see at how it interacts with TweakScale and what I can do about it.
  4. Do you have Goodspeed Aerospace installed? If so, get rid of the scale.dll from there. If it's not that, see which mods include KSPAPIExtensions.dll, and update those.
  5. You can add scaleexponents wherever you want. If it's in a .cfg file, TweakScale will find it. I just liked grouping them for convenience.
  6. This fills me with joy. Sadly, it is not necessarily that easy. The names in tweakscaleexponents must match those in the code, not necessarily those in the cfgs.
  7. I's got a bug with MFT: Place a part (Let's take a Probodobodyne Octo) Place a few fuel tanks in symmetry (Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank, e.g.) Right-click one fuel tank. Click 'Show Tank GUI'. Click away from the new window, and note that it does not appear. Right-click each of the fuel tanks to dismiss each of the windows that have appeared. TL;DR: Showing tank GUI for a tank placed in symmetry shows a window for each tank in the same symmetry group.
  8. I've now spent quite some time trying to replicate this, to no avail. Can you upload an output_log.txt from when you get this problem, and perhaps a .craft file? Does it happen with any and every kind of fuel tank? For that matter, MFT does have problems with tanks in symmetry, even without TweakScale, but not of this kind.
  9. Could you please upload an output_log.txt to Pastebin and link it here?
  10. Man, I need to pay more attention to this thread. Anyways, 1.4 fixed an issue with hotkey config, so you should now be able to define whatever hotkey you want.
  11. Prices increase with size and resource amounts. Currently by the cube of the scale (so a 2.5m version of a 1.25m part costs 8 times as much). If you want other prices, you can open ScaleExponents.cfg and change the line that says !dryCost = 3.
  12. Looks like the symmetry part is important here. I'll have a look-see on Saturday or Sunday.
  13. Not without knowing which mod does that. However, the solution in any case is to copy scale_redist.dll from TweakScale/plugins to whatever mod is misbehaving.
  14. I have considered a scheme for rescaling in separate dimensions. It is described in some of the early posts in this thread. Your solution might also work. If you want to just click 'fuel tank' and choose a size, I suggest Procedural Parts. It's possible with module manager to hide a part by placing it in a nonexistent category, and I've considered doing that when there are multiple parts with the same models. Ultimately, I feel that might better be done by a separate mod, that might also use something like firespitter's texture changing stuff to allow some variety in looks, and probably modular fuel tanks so you don't need a separate part for jet fuel or monoprop. I should probably just sit down and do it some day.
  15. Looking into this. If it's reproducible I will try and have it fixed in 1.42. Sorry about that, but I think it'd be better to poke the karbonite guys about it. Since they have taken one step in the direction of doing TweakScale scaling themselves, I'd rather not interfere. (btw, I *love* that they have) Not now. I'm nearing the point where I want to implement something like this: MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack TWEAKSCALEFUNCTIONS { name = part mass = original(mass) * pow(__SCALE__, 3); } } But the design is not yet ready in my head, and I foresee many, many problems. I can't say it's anybody else's responsibility. I very much appreciate hearing about these problems, as I don't use all the supported mods every day myself. If you can resize some parts but not others, the problem is that those parts have no .cfg. You can either make your own config as specified under 'Example Configurations' in the first post, or tell me which mod and which parts, and it will likely be fixed in the next update.
  16. Because it does not change the IVA model, I have chosen not to change the crew count for scaled pods.
  17. I musta been drunk when I did 1.40. Overriding of Part exponents were borked. Fixed in 1.41.
  18. I just tested removing all ModuleTestSubject from rescaled parts. It works, but also feels very wrong, since it gives no information to the user that things will not work.
  19. Currently, you would do what you describe this way: MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { mass = 2 } } Knowing me, I'll probably implement this some day: MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free TWEAKSCALEFUNCTIONS[Part] { mass = sin(__SCALE__) * breakingTorque + 4! - original(mass) } }
  20. This can very succinctly be explained with but two words: I'm lazy. Another thing that did factor in slightly is that I am no girderologist, and thus am unsure to what extent material thickness should change with this rescaling. Certainly a 5mm steel pipe with 1mm walls may be strong enough for making a teeny tiny girder, but if I have a girder made out of 200mm steel pipes, they should probably be thicker than 1mm. 40mm is probably overengineering, though.
  21. Hm. I have no idea how the contract system works, but this should be fixed.
  22. Thing is, there is no such thing as a 1.25m attach node. Their sizes are 0, 1, 2... While it is true that size 0 is the most common for 62.5cm, consider for instance the KW Rocketry 5m engine with detachable fins (can't remember the name). While the main nodes are large, it has smaller nodes for the fins. Rescaling all to 5m size would be just as wrong as scaling them to 62.5cm size. The algorithm I've chosen is not perfect, but it's better than the alternatives I've tried thus far.
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