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Everything posted by Biotronic

  1. Could you upload KSP_Data/output_log.txt somwhere and link it? Without that, it's kinda hard to figure out what's causing the nullrefs.
  2. ...and fixed. 1.24 also fixes Kolago's problem with node sizes. Oh, and an unmentioned addition in 1.23 (will add it to the front page one of these years): Resources { !amount = 3 maxAmount = 3 } That exclamation mark means TweakScale should only use relative scaling. This is occasionally very useful, and potentially fixes many problems where values are incorrectly scaled upon duplication.
  3. There seems to be a bug in the handling of per-scaletype exponents.
  4. It's been mentioned a few times, and wouldn't be hard to add. However, it would be hard to make it look nice, which is one reason I haven't yet done it. Cpt. Kipard, ZodiusInfuser and I discussed a few ideas for supporting this kind of scaling in a way that would look good, but thus far, nothing has come of it.
  5. The 'isShielded: False' is from FAR. The fact that TweakScale doesn't show up... Maybe you too have IR installed and run into the problem that's been discussed and which 1.23 fixes?
  6. This seems to be an interaction between IR's TweakScale and the other TweakScale. Fixed in 1.23.
  7. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PauseMenu.get_isOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.HandleKeyStrokes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Far be it from me to make absolute statements, but I have a feeling this might come from Kerbal Alarm Clock rather than TweakScale. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KAS.KAS_Shared.createFXSound (.Part part, .FXGroup group, System.String sndPath, Boolean loop, Single maxDistance) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KAS.KASModuleGrab.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This is from KAS. Next up: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at EditorLogic.CheckSymPartsAttach (. oAttach) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.UpdatePartMode () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I don't even know. Probably caused by the earlier exceptions. Then there's a few from Extraplanetary Launchpads, MechJeb, and some that are harder to figure out. You have 39 plugins installed. One of them has an old version of KSPAPIExtensions ( You have TweakScale from IR as well as the official version. Near Future Technologies is according to the forum not updated for 0.24, and several of the others are impossible to identify the version of. It seems... rash, to me, to say that this is TweakScale's fault. If you really want to find out what's doing this, remove one plugin at a time until the problem disappears, then try adding the others back, until it appears again. If you want to be effective, use binary search.
  8. The invisible menu is not caused by Procedural Fairings, it's caused by a bug in TweakScale 1.22. Please download TweakScale 1.22 anew and retry.
  9. Looking at your output_log.txt, I see a reference to Goodspeed/Plugins/Scale. I guess you have Goodspeed Aerospace installed too? Try removing its Scale.dll too.
  10. Try deleting <KSP>\Gamedata\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugins\Scale.dll. It should make the UI magically reappear.
  11. The 'no scaling' is caused by there being two version of scale.dll at the same time. Strangely, there seems to be no mention of any problems in output_log.txt. On the other hand, it is chock-full of "The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!", and ModuleManager only mentions Scale v1.21.0.0.
  12. Actually, the problem you described might be related to the problems with Procedural Fairings and IR. Please just download the newest version of TweakScale and see if that fixes the problem.
  13. Apparently the problems with Procedural Fairings are caused by different versions of KSPAPIExtensions. That was not fixed in 1.22, but is now, so if you've downloaded 1.22, just download it anew. Seems to me the IR problem is actually the same problem.
  14. Problems with Procedural Fairings noted. For now, here's 1.22, fresh outta the factory. Technology requirements should now be much faster, and tanks no longer seem to refill at onload.
  15. I'm aware of the problem, but have had enough other things on my table that it hasn't gotten priority yet.
  16. That's contrary to the results of my experiments - any resources above maxAmount seem to simply be ignored. Ouch. I'm on it. Sadly (oh woe is me), I have to join my family for a day at the beach. So expect something around 18:00 to 23:00 UTC.
  17. Man, this is actually a lot harder than I expected. First of all, partInfo.cost is (cost of part) + (cost of resources), so just filling the money tank to add cost doesn't work. What I did was calculate the maximum possible cost of the part (at max scale), and add funds equal to that. So if the part has a maximum value of 4000, it has a tank with a capacity of 4000 moneys. If at 1.25m scale it would cost 200, the money tank holds 200 out of 4000 moneys. But apparently I should be sleeping, as my calculations are most definitely off. I think the idea is right though. We'll see tomorrow.
  18. That's one reason I love the license. Also that it's a fairly permissive one. If you find something that puts less restriction on use, please inform me.
  19. It seems to be working fine, but for good measure I compiled an updated version.
  20. You have my permission. But seriously, I haven't yet tested it. Will report back in a few minutes.
  21. Currently, there is no support in KSP for changing the cost of single parts, so all rescaled versions of a part will have the same cost. Perhaps in 0.24.5, or I guess someone will make a mod that fixes it.
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