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Everything posted by GeneralMDBK

  1. Did not go to space today, first I had to deal with a repeating glitch that the only way I know how to deal with is relaunching the game. Not to bad, would make for a cool background for sure at least. Next Jeb wanted to feel the breeze on a decent in me messing around with a lander idea I was slowly working with and being bored with. He enjoyed it. Also you will notice no parachutes (forgot them), and I was out of fuel but due to an old bug I exploited he survived fine and happy. What you have to do is keep a Kerbal on the ladder holding on throughout the decent and the impact of the landing/crash will somehow cushion or even cause the kerbal to bounce back up at times. Something I'm sure many know about. Either way it was still a fun day in KSP.
  2. Just a few of my favorites: The glitchy station model. The bad Kerbal stuck outside on timeout for breaking expensive, important equipment. The unbreakable yet broken joints.
  3. Here's an oldie but a good one. My Ikerb station, entire station sent up packed and then used drone tugs to assemble. Might try to make a new version using KAS and the containers in that mod to store all packable components.
  4. Been busy with school and work but finally made some time to work on a few ideas, first one is building a station primarily in EVA with KAS. If it can be stored in a container than it is, after it reaches orbit the kerbals have to put it together themselves piece by piece. This has taken some time to do with a total of three launches.
  5. Did some messing around with career mode for a bit before work.
  6. Finally got a new rig up and running so I ran my first official sandbox mission testing out an idea I got last month about using KAS and Universal Storage to build probes and such. The mission went perfectly as hoped although I only got screenshots of the construction of the second probe because the first one I built in the dark. I did do a quick meet up with it though for at least one screenshot. There will be a much bigger series of missions soon which I will post with a challenge thread as well later on. (Within a few days hopefully due to work)
  7. I want to attempt this now I need to hurry up and build my new rig!
  8. Once I have my new rig build count me in on this, I'll even see how my internet will be for hosting a server as well.
  9. Decided to mess around a bit with 0.7.3
  10. I don't have much to show but here are my creations. My one size fits all space station: My favorite SSTO: My first ever battleship which was a pain to get into orbit cause I made this back before they fixed the SAS: And an old Space Station with Ion fighters docked ready to go:
  11. Well I could only find the one picture of my Kerbals on the mun so here it is. Started to make a base here at the Mun Arch before I decided to send the kerbals back to the Mun station.
  12. My goals for when I get back into playing the game, still building new rig, are not in any particular order but: -Build a SSTE that can do a grand tour with refueling cause I am not that good lol -Probe, Flag, and station every planet with a type of shuttle to access and moons nearby -Build a station that orbits on the very inside of the solar system as close as I can get and build another one as far out as i can get and set up a system of travel between the two that allows for docking to refuel but no landing
  13. Ya, I designed and built that like 6 months ago at least. I just remember it was before they made that engine otherwise I would've used it. Lol
  14. When you dream of ship design's, whether spaceplane or rocket, on a nightly basis. I still do even though I haven't played in months.
  15. My favorite old SSTO would have to be my last one I did before working on SSTA's. Lol
  16. Found this old screenshot on a backup I had of an idea about having a small multipurpose space station that wont take much fuel to put into orbit. Here's it packaged up. Here's it constructed. I'm sure anyone of you could improve the idea.
  17. I spent all day today and yesterday and the day before that going through the entire forum since I haven't taken a look at it since my laptop went belly up on me, and I just now was able to remember my login. Plan on starting fresh with a brand new desktop in the beginning of next month. Until then I shall continue to torture myself with the desire to fly with Jeb and the gang by being on this forum every single day. Lol.
  18. I'd first start by using probes to scout for a preferred location, if you have kethane mod find a good size deposit, otherwise find a nice level area. That will be big enough.
  19. When you dock intoxicated no problem, maybe even better than normal. Lol
  20. Went to Dres today, made it there no problem but quickly realized there was no way I could make it back with so little fuel. Didn't have the patience though for a rescue mission so I admit to using infinite fuel to make it home.
  21. Decided to go back to career mode and do some work with my pit-stop station in Kerbin Orbit. Flew my space plane to it first to see how it is doing, not an SSTO though. Jeb taking a look at it, inspecting for damage. Next I launched and docked a refuel attachment for the station. Had to move around the ship so that the tank could dock. As Jeb inspected the tank to make sure everything had gone smoothly he saw the Mun and had to stop to enjoy the view for a moment, planning a possible fly-by on his way out later after his nap.
  22. I made a really simple station last night, although it was a little unstable getting it into orbit lol. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today/page335
  23. Well today I finally took a break from my career mode save and started up a sandbox and the first craft I sent up was a prototype Space Station that I was inspired to build based on a youtube video I saw. Sent it all up in one piece with two mini tugs ready to assemble it, and after some slight frustrations completed it. Link to the video for credit of the idea here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4EZ_gxnfWo
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